
A collection of tutorials and recipes to use optimization for winning Fantasy Premier League :)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FPL Optimization Repository

This repository is a collection of optimization tutorials and recipes for Fantasy Premier League (FPL).

Python code mainly use pandas for data management and sasoptpy for optimization modeling.

It is being actively developed. The content and the structure of the repository might change.


If you are interested in using optimization for FPL, see my YouTube tutorials on the subject.


Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrIyJJU8_viOags1yudB_wyafRuTNs1Ed

Python tutorials include following topics

  • Goalkeeper selection problem
  • Single-period expected value maximization (squad, lineup, captain)
  • Multi-period expected value maximization (squad, lineup, captain)
  • Alternative solution generation
  • Multi-objective optimization (2-Step and Weight methods)
  • Bench decisions
  • Auto-bench weights and iterative solution for nonlinear case
  • Noise in expected values
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Data collection from FPL API with login
  • Wildcard (chip) optimization


Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrIyJJU8_viOLw3BovPDx5QLKkCb8XOTp

My Excel tutorials are rather short but might give you an idea what optimization is capable of doing. Reach out to me if you need the raw data to give it a try.

  • Goalkeeper selection problem
  • Single-period expected value maximization (squad, lineup, captain)
  • Multi-period expected value maximization (squad, lineup, captain)


Installation Steps

You will need to follow steps below to install required platform and also optimization solver (CBC).

  • Download and install Python and Git to your machine

  • Download CBC optimization solver binary and add it to your environment path (example: https://youtu.be/DFXCXoR6Dvw?t=1642)

  • Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/sertalpbilal/FPL-Optimization-Tools.git fpl-optimization

  • Install required packages

    cd fpl-optimization
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download FPLReview projections and save it under data and rename it to fplreview.csv

  • Navigate to run directory

    cd ..\run

    And run either solve_regular.py (for regular GW solve) or solve_wildcard.py (for wildcard optimization) See instructions below.

  • Log in FPL from your browser and open https://fantasy.premierleague.com/api/my-team/MY_TEAM_ID/ after replacing MY_TEAM_ID with your team id. Copy the content of the page into data\team.json file, by creating one.

    A sample team.json file is provided for your reference: team.json.sample

Multi-period GW optimization

  • Edit content of data/regular_settings.json file

          "horizon": 5,
          "ft_value": 1.5,
          "ft_use_penalty": 0,
          "itb_value": 0.2,
          "itb_loss_per_transfer": 0,
          "decay_base": 0.84,
          "no_future_transfer": true,
          "no_transfer_last_gws": 0,
          "have_2ft_in_gws": [],
          "randomized": false,
          "xmin_lb": 2,
          "ev_per_price_cutoff": 20,
          "bench_weights": {"0": 0.03, "1": 0.21, "2": 0.06, "3": 0.003},
          "banned": [],
          "banned_next_gw": [],
          "locked": [],
          "locked_next_gw": [],
          "delete_tmp": true,
          "secs": 300,
          "use_cmd": false,
          "future_transfer_limit": null,
          "no_transfer_gws": [],
          "booked_transfers": [],
          "only_booked_transfers": false,
          "use_wc": null,
          "use_bb": null,
          "use_fh": null,
          "chip_limits": {"bb": 0, "wc": 0, "fh": 0, "tc": 0},
          "no_chip_gws": [],
          "allowed_chip_gws": {"bb": [], "wc": [], "fh": [], "tc": []},
          "forced_chip_gws": {"bb": [], "wc": [], "fh": [], "tc": []},
          "run_chip_combinations": {"bb": [], "wc": [], "fh": [], "tc": []},
          "num_transfers": null,
          "hit_limit": null,
          "ft_custom_value": null,
          "preseason": false,
          "no_trs_except_wc": false,
          "cbc_path": "",
          "no_opposing_play": false,
          "pick_prices": {"G": "", "D": "", "M": "", "F": ""},
          "no_gk_rotation_after": null,
          "iteration": 1,
          "iteration_criteria": "this_gw_transfer_in",
          "iteration_target": [],
          "report_decay_base": [0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0, 1.017],
          "datasource" : "review",
          "data_weights": {"review": 50, "review-odds": 25, "mikkel": 15, "kiwi": 10},
          "export_data": "final.csv",
          "team_data": "json",
          "team_id": null
    • horizon: length of planning horizon

    • ft_value: value assigned to the extra free transfer

    • ft_use_penalty: penalty on objective function when an FT is used

    • itb_value: value assigned to having 1.0 extra budget

    • itb_loss_per_transfer: reduction in ITB amount per scheduled transfers in future

    • decay_base: value assigned to decay rate of expected points

    • no_future_transfer: true or false whether you want to plan future transfers or not

    • no_transfer_last_gws: the number of gws at the end of the period you want to ban transfers

    • have_2ft_in_gws: list of GWs where you want to have 2 FTs, for example
      "have_2ft_in_gws":[38] will force solver to have 2 FTs at the beginning of GW38

    • randomized: true or false whether you would like to add random noise to EV

    • xmin_lb: cut-off for dropping players below this many minutes expectation

    • ev_per_price_cutoff: cut-off percentile for dropping players based on total EV per price (e.g. 20 means drop players below 20% percentile)

    • bench_weights: percentage weights in objective for bench players (gk and 3 outfield)

    • banned: list of player IDs to be banned over the entire horizon

    • banned_next_gw: list of player IDs to be banned for the next gameweek. Alternatively, you can supply an [ID, gameweek] list as an element of the list to ban a player just for one specific gameweek. E.g. [100, [200, 32]] bans player with ID 100 for the next gameweek, and bans player with ID 200 for gameweek 32

    • locked: list of player IDs to always have during the horizon (e.g. 233 for Salah)

    • locked_next_gw: List of player IDs to force just for the next gameweek. See banned_next_gw for extended usage

    • delete_tmp: true or false whether to delete generated temporary files after solve

    • secs: time limit for the solve (in seconds)

    • use_cmd: whether to use os.system or subprocess for running solver, default is false

    • future_transfer_limit: upper bound how many transfers are allowed in future GWs

    • no_transfer_gws: list of GW numbers where transfers are not allowed

    • booked_transfers: list of booked transfers for future gameweeks, needs to have a gw key and at least one of transfer_in or transfer_out with the player ID. For example, to book a transfer of buying Kane (427) on GW5 and selling him on GW7, use
      "booked_transfers": [{"gw": 5, "transfer_in": 427}, {"gw": 7, "transfer_out": 427}]

    • only_booked_transfers: (for next GW) use only booked transfers

    • use_wc: GW to use wildcard (fixed)

    • use_bb: GW to use bench boost (fixed)

    • use_fh: GW to use free hit (fixed)

    • use_tc: GW to use triple captain (fixed)

    • chip_limits: how many chips of each kind can be used by solver (you need to set it to at least 1 when force using a chip)

    • no_chip_gws: list of GWs to ban solver from using a chip

    • allowed_chip_gws: dictionary of list of GWs to allow chips to be used. For example
      "allowed_chip_gws": {"wc": [27,31]}
      will allow solver to use WC in GW27 and GW31, but not in another GW

    • forced_chip_gws: dictionary of list of GWs to force chips to be used. Instead of 'allowing' chips, it makes sure that chips are used

    • run_chip_combinations: generates a list of chip combinations to be tried one-by-one, instead of leaving to the solver

    • num_transfers: fixed number of transfers for this GW

    • hit_limit: limit on total hits can be taken by the solver for entire horizon

    • hit_cost: cost of a hit, 4 points by default but can be overriden to reduce hits suggested

    • ft_custom_value: value of keeping your 2nd free transfer before a GW. For example
      "ft_custom_value": {"35": 2, "38": 0.5}
      will set value of 2nd FT for GW35 to 2 EV, and for GW38 to 0.5 EV

    • preseason: solve flag for GW1 where team data is not important

    • no_trs_except_wc: when true prevents solver to make transfers except using wildcard

    • solver: solver engine, can use either cbc (default) or highs
      In order to use highs solver, you need to download the binary from the following repository

    • solver_path: binary location of the solver

    • no_opposing_play: true if you do not want to have players in your lineup playing against each other in a GW

    • opposing_play_group: all if you do not want any type of opposing players or position if you only don't want your offense playing against your defense

    • pick_prices: price points of players you want to force in a comma separated string For example, to force two 11.5M forwards, and one 8M midfielder, use "pick_prices": {"G": "", "D": "", "M": "8", "F": "11.5,11.5"}

    • no_gk_rotation_after: use same lineup GK after given GW, e.g. setting this value to 26 means all GWs after 26 will use same lineup GK

    • iteration: number of different solutions to be generated, the criteria is controlled by iteration_criteria

    • iteration_criteria: rule on separating what a different solution mean

      • this_gw_transfer_in will force to replace players to buy current GW in each solution
      • this_gw_transfer_out will force to replace players to sell current GW in each solution
      • this_gw_transfer_in_out will force to replace players to buy or sell current GW in each solution
      • chip_gws will force to replace GWs where each chip is being used
      • target_gws_transfer_in will force to replace players to buy in target GW (provided by iteration_target parameter)
      • this_gw_lineup will force to replace at least N players in your lineup
    • iteration_difference: number of players to be different (only available for this_gw_lineup criteria for now)

    • iteration_target: list of GWs where plans will be forced to replace in each iteration

    • report_decay_base: list of decay bases to be measured and reported at the end of the solve

    • datasource : review, kiwi, mikkel or avg specifies the data to be used.

      • review requires fplreview.csv file
      • review-odds requires fplreview-odds.csv file
      • kiwi requires kiwi.csv file
      • mikkel requires TransferAlgorithm.csv, file
      • mixed requires an additional parameter data_weights, and any corresponding files mentioned above

      under data folder to be present

    • data_weights: weight percentage for each data source, given as a dictionary, where keys should be one of valid data sources

    • export_data: option for exporting final data as a CSV file (when using mixed data)

    • team_data: option for using team_id value rather than the team.json file. Uses team.json by default, set value to ID to use team_id. Note that with this method, any transfers already made this gameweek won't be taken into account, so they must be added to booked_transfers

    • team_id: the team_id to optimise for. Requires team_data to be set to ID

  • Run the multi-period optimization

    python solve_regular.py
  • Find the optimal plans under data\results directory with timestamp

      > cd ../data/results
      > ls

Run in Docker

A Dockerised version of the solver is included in this repo which includes all dependencies required to run the program and save results. Docker must be installed on the host machine.

In order to run the solver via Docker, you'll firstly need to follow the instructions in the Installation Steps section to add the following files to the /data folder:

  • team.json
  • regular_settings.json
  • fplreview.csv

Then, to pull the Docker image, build it, and then run the solver, simply run the following command:

> docker-compose up

After the initial setup, re-running this command will skip the pull and build steps and simply run the solver.

Sensitivity Analysis

If you want to run sensitivity analysis, instead of running solve_regular.py,

  1. Make sure that data/results directory is empty (doesn't include old files)

  2. Run

    python simulations.py

    When called from the terminal, it will ask you to give number of runs (how many times you want to solve), and number of parallel jobs. If you are not sure, use 1 for parallel jobs.

    You can also pass parameters from the command line as

    python simulations.py --no 10 --parallel 4
  3. After runs are completed, run

python sensitivity.py

to get a summary of results.

Similarly, you can give gameweek and wildcard parameters from the command line, such as

python sensitivity.py --gw 1 --wildcard Y


Apache-2.0 License