
downloader service by golang

Primary LanguageGo

Distributed Crawler Cluster in Golang


The service is consist of two cluster: downloader cluster and redirector cluster.


Downloader will do following things:

  • accept links from post request, and put links in Q1
  • download webpages of these links, and put pages in Q2
  • extract links from downloaded webpages
  • post extracted links to redirector cluster
  • dump webpages to disk


Redirector will do following things:

  • accept links from post request, and pust links in Q3
  • filter links we have crawled before
  • filter links we do not want to crawl (e.g. using regex)
  • prioritize these links and post them to downloader cluster
  • control post frequency of links from different host, e.g. we can not crawl one site too frequently

In order to control crawl frequency of different site, redirector will creat N channels, and links from host a will be always send to h(a) % N channel. Then, every channel will have a goroutine to process links in it, and every goroutine will control process speed by itself.


Collector will do following things:

  • collect downloaded webpages from disk on downloader cluster
  • writer these pages to HDFS


Redirector will only post important links to downloader online. By analyze downloaded webpages in HDFS, we will find more links we want to crawl.

Information Extractor(IE)

IE will extract structed data from webpages in HDFS and save them in database, etc.

Golang Crawler Need to Know