Trained city planner, subway nerd, forever @recursecenter, analytics engineer at Slate
Slate MagazineNew York City
Pinned Repositories
Solutions to the introductory clojure problems on 4clojure.com. Created mostly as Git practice at the time.
A bencoder (program that encodes or decodes data in the bittorrent format) in Go
Analyzing built environment of NYC neighborhoods (NTAs), using Department of Finance building typology. Practice with Python, awk, and PostgreSQL.
Parse NYC MTA GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) data to create a simplified graph of the NYC Subway and serve routes via an open API. Front end in React
(Original repo for the front-end of my subway route finder-- now merged into the full repo)
Conway's Game of Life in plain Javascript-- most up-to-date version is running on Glitch
Command line tool that turns Census Bureau 11-digit 2010 Census Tract GEOID numbers into NYC BCT (Borough-Census Tract) numbers. For easier joining with parcel and other data from NYC Government Agencies. Currently just creates a new column in your CSV and adds the BCT2010. Mostly created for practice (learn to work with CSVs, use argparse, etc)
Online map allowing users to find their neighborhood's 2010 Census participation and sign up to volunteer in advance of the 2020 Census.
The NYC "Job Explorer" website does not make it easy to find permalinks. This project scrapes all current job listings and creates permalinks from the Job Listing ID.
A simple to-do list I created while learning React
daniel-burton's Repositories
Parse NYC MTA GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) data to create a simplified graph of the NYC Subway and serve routes via an open API. Front end in React
Solutions to the introductory clojure problems on 4clojure.com. Created mostly as Git practice at the time.
A bencoder (program that encodes or decodes data in the bittorrent format) in Go
Analyzing built environment of NYC neighborhoods (NTAs), using Department of Finance building typology. Practice with Python, awk, and PostgreSQL.
(Original repo for the front-end of my subway route finder-- now merged into the full repo)
Conway's Game of Life in plain Javascript-- most up-to-date version is running on Glitch
Command line tool that turns Census Bureau 11-digit 2010 Census Tract GEOID numbers into NYC BCT (Borough-Census Tract) numbers. For easier joining with parcel and other data from NYC Government Agencies. Currently just creates a new column in your CSV and adds the BCT2010. Mostly created for practice (learn to work with CSVs, use argparse, etc)
Online map allowing users to find their neighborhood's 2010 Census participation and sign up to volunteer in advance of the 2020 Census.
The NYC "Job Explorer" website does not make it easy to find permalinks. This project scrapes all current job listings and creates permalinks from the Job Listing ID.
my notes from reading "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces"
Jupyter Notebooks and datasets for our Python data cleaning tutorial
A simple to-do list I created while learning React
Calculates final scores for the board game Sheriff of Nottingham. Practice for object-oriented programming.
Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.