
Terraform module to create and work with - IBM Log Analysis, IBM Cloud Monitoring, and IBM Activity Tracker services on IBM Cloud

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Module Support for Observability Service.

Observability services - gives you the visibility into the performance and health of your resources on IBM Cloud. You can use these services to troubleshoot your apps and services, identify threats, detect performance issues, trigger alerts and more. IBM Cloud offers the following observabilty services, to solve you logging and monitoring needs:

  • IBM Cloud Activity Tracker - to gain insights on actions that change the state of a service in the IBM Cloud.
  • IBM Log Analysis - to gain insights into your system and application logs.
  • IBM Cloud Monitoring - to monitor the health of services and applications in IBM Cloud.

This module is used to provision following observability instances

  • Activity Tracker Super Tenant Receiver (ATR)
  • Activity Tracker Super Tenant Sender (ATS)
  • Logging Super Tenant Receiver (STR)
  • Logging Super Tenant Sender (STS)
  • Monitoring instance


Acronym Full form
ATS Activity Tracker Super Tenant Sender
ATR Activity Tracker Super Tenant Receiver
STS Logging Super Tenant Sender
STR Logging Super Tenant Receiver
OB Observability

The following diagram illustrates the deployment architecture used by this automation. Observability design |

Provision activity tracker ATR instance

`atr_provision` = true

Provision ATS activity tracker instance by creating logging STS insatnce

  ats_provision              = true
  ats_service_supertenant    = <Name_of_ats_service_supertenant>
  ats_provision_key          = <ats_provision_key>
  ats_associated_logging_crn = <ats_associated_logging_crn>

Provision ATS instance with existing logging STS instance CRN then configure

  ats_provision              = true
  ats_service_supertenant    = <Name_of_ats_service_supertenant>
  ats_provision_key          = <ats_provision_key>
  use_existing_sts_crn       = true

Provision Logging STR instance

  str_provision = true

Provision Logging STS instance

  sts_provision           = true
  sts_service_supertenant = <sts_service_supertenant>
  sts_provision_key       = <sts_provision_key>


To provision monitoring instance

`monitoring_provision` = true

Example Usage

# Observability
# Copyright 2020 IBM

provider "ibm" {

data "ibm_resource_group" "rg" {
  name = var.resource_group

module "observability" {

  source = "../../"

  ################# Logging Super Tenant Receiver (STR) instance #######################

  str_provision = var.str_provision
  str_logging_bind_key  = var.str_logging_bind_key
  str_logging_plan  = var.str_logging_plan
  str_logging_region = var.str_logging_region
  str_logging_service_endpoints = var.str_logging_service_endpoints
  str_logging_tags = var.str_logging_tags
  str_logging_key_name = var.str_logging_key_name
  str_logging_key_tags = var.str_logging_key_tags

  ################## Logging Super Tenant Sender (STS) Instance ########################
  sts_provision           = var.sts_provision
  sts_service_supertenant = var.sts_service_supertenant
  sts_provision_key       = var.sts_provision_key

  sts_logging_bind_key          = var.sts_logging_bind_key
  sts_logging_plan              = var.sts_logging_plan
  sts_logging_region            = var.sts_logging_region
  sts_logging_service_endpoints = var.sts_logging_service_endpoints
  sts_logging_tags              = var.sts_logging_tags
  sts_logging_key_name          = var.sts_logging_key_name
  sts_logging_key_tags          = var.sts_logging_key_tags

  ################# Activity Tracker ATR instance ##########

  atr_provision   = var.atr_provision
  atr_plan = var.atr_plan
  atr_region = var.atr_region
  atr_bind_key = var.atr_bind_key
  atr_key_name = var.atr_key_name
  atr_key_tags = var.atr_key_tags
  atr_tags = var.atr_tags

  ################# Activity Tracker ATS instance ##########

  ats_provision              = var.ats_provision
  ats_service_supertenant    = var.ats_service_supertenant
  ats_provision_key          = var.ats_provision_key
  ats_associated_logging_crn = var.ats_associated_logging_crn
  use_existing_sts_crn       = var.use_existing_sts_crn

  //Activity tracker
  ats_plan      = var.ats_plan
  ats_region    = var.ats_region
  ats_bind_key  = var.ats_bind_key
  ats_key_name  = var.ats_key_name
  ats_key_tags  = var.ats_key_tags
  ats_tags      = var.ats_tags

  ################# Monitoring ############################
  monitoring_provision               = var.monitoring_provision
  monitoring_bind_key                = var.monitoring_bind_key
  monitoring_name                    = var.monitoring_name
  monitoring_plan                    = var.monitoring_plan
  monitoring_region                  = var.monitoring_region
  monitoring_service_endpoints       = var.monitoring_service_endpoints
  monitoring_enable_platform_metrics = var.monitoring_enable_platform_metrics
  monitoring_tags                    = var.monitoring_tags
  monitoring_key_name                = var.monitoring_key_name
  monitoring_key_tags                = var.monitoring_key_tags

  ################ Generic Parameters ######################
  logging_name  = var.logging_name // common for STS and STR
  activity_tracker_name = var.activity_tracker_name //common for ATS and ATR
  resource_group_id = data.ibm_resource_group.rg.id
  create_timeout    = var.create_timeout
  update_timeout    = var.update_timeout
  delete_timeout    = var.delete_timeout

Activity Tracker ATR Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
atr_provision Set this to true to provion Activity tracker ATR instance bool true yes
activity_tracker_name Name of the activity tracker instance string true yes
atr_plan Plan type string n/a yes
atr_region Location to create the activity tracker instance. string n/a yes
atr_bind_key Indicating that key should be bind to activity tracker instance bool false no
atr_key_name Name used to identify activity tracker resource key string empty no
atr_tags Tags that should be applied to the activity tracker list(string) n/a no
atr_key_tags Tags that should be applied to the activity tracker key list(string) n/a no
atr_make_default_receiver Enable this to make this instance as default receiver bool true no

Activity Tracker ATS Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
ats_provision Set this to true to provion Activity tracker ATS instance bool true no
ats_service_supertenant Name of service supertenant string Empty no
ats_provision_key Service Provision key string Empty no
use_existing_sts_crn Make true to use existing logging STS crn to attach to ATS instance string Empty no
ats_associated_logging_crn CRN of STS logging instance string Empty no
activity_tracker_name Used as prefix to observability instances string n/a yes
ats_plan Plan type string n/a yes
ats_region Location to create the activity tracker instance. string n/a yes
resource_group_id ID of the resource group string n/a yes
ats_bind_key Indicating that instance key should be bind to activity tracker bool false no
ats_key_name Name used to identify activity tracker resource key string empty no
ats_tags Tags that should be applied to the activity tracker list(string) n/a no
ats_key_tags Tags that should be applied to the activity tracker key list(string) n/a no

Logging STR Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
str_provision Set this to true to provion logging STR instance bool true no
logging_name Name of the logging instance string n/a yes
str_logging_plan The name of the plan type supported by logdna. string n/a yes
str_logging_region Location to create the logdna instance. string n/a yes
str_logging_bind_key Indicating that instance key should be bind to logdna bool false no
str_logging_service_endpoints Type of service endpoint string n/a no
str_logging_key_name Name used to identify logdna resource key string empty no
str_logging_tags Tags that should be applied to the logdna list(string) n/a no
str_logging_key_tags Tags that should be applied to the logdna key list(string) n/a no
enable_platform_logs Enable this to make this instace as default receiver bool true no

Logging STS Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
sts_provision Set this to true to provion logging STS instance bool false no
sts_service_supertenant Name of service supertenant string Empty no
sts_provision_key Service Provision key string Empty no
logging_name Name of the logging instance string n/a yes
sts_logging_plan The name of the plan type supported by logdna. string n/a yes
sts_logging_region Location to create the logdna instance. string n/a yes
sts_logging_bind_key Indicating that instance key should be bind to logdna bool false no
sts_logging_service_endpoints Type of service endpoint string n/a no
sts_logging_key_name Name used to identify logdna resource key string empty no
sts_logging_role Name of the user role for logdna key. string empty no
sts_logging_tags Tags that should be applied to the logdna list(string) n/a no
sts_logging_key_tags Tags that should be applied to the logdna key list(string) n/a no

Monitoring Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
monitoring_provision Set this to true to provion monitoring instance bool true no
name Used as prefix to observability instances string n/a yes
monitoring_plan The name of the plan type supported by sysdig. string n/a yes
monitoring_region Location to create the sysdig instance. string n/a yes
monitoring_bind_key Indicating that instance key should be bind to sysdig bool false no
monitoring_key_name Name used to identify sysdig resource key string empty no
monitoring_tags Tags that should be applied to the sysdig list(string) n/a no
monitoring_key_tags Tags that should be applied to the sysdig key list(string) n/a no
create_timeout Timeout duration for create string n/a no
update_timeout Timeout duration for update string n/a no
delete_timeout Timeout duration for delete string n/a no


To create an infrastructure run the following command

terraform apply -var-file="input.tfvars"

Similarly to remove an infrastructure run the following command

terraform destroy -var-file="input.tfvars"

Detect Secret hook

Used to detect secrets within a code base.

To create a secret baseline file run following command

detect-secrets scan --update .secrets.baseline

While running the pre-commit hook, if you encounter an error like

WARNING: You are running an outdated version of detect-secrets.
Your version: 0.13.1+ibm.27.dss
Latest version: 0.13.1+ibm.46.dss
See upgrade guide at https://ibm.biz/detect-secrets-how-to-upgrade

run below command

pre-commit autoupdate

which upgrades all the pre-commit hooks present in .pre-commit.yaml file.

Timeout block

Same set of timeout values (create, update & delete) are applicable to all the observability resources present in root module. For example, say we configure create timeout as 90 mins then for sysdig, logdna and activity tracker create time out will be 90 mins for each.

We can set the create, update and delete timeouts as string. For e.g say we want to set 15 minutes timeout then the value should be "15m".