Go API client for swagger

This document defines the API for the Global Manager. All communication is done over HTTPS with UTF-8 encoding. JSON is the only supported format for both request and response payloads.

Please read <a href="https://cloud.google.com/backup-disaster-recovery/docs/api/RestAPIGeneralConcepts.pdf\">Management Console API General concept

To login, use the /session POST API below.

Then copy the resulting session_id from the output and click on the Authorize button on the top right. Paste the string "Actifio " followed by the session id into the form and click Authorize.

Login is not necessary for reading the rest of this API document. However, login will allow you to try the APIs out within this page.


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: V11.0.4
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.go.GoClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./swagger"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /actifio

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccessRightApi GetRight Get /right/{right_name} Get details for a specific right. It requires System View right.
AccessRightApi ListRights Get /right Get a list of rights in the system. Rights are predefined and cannot be changed. It requires System View right.
AccessRightApi OptionsForList1 Options /right Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting
AccessRoleApi CountRoles Head /role Get a count of total roles matching the filters. It requires System View right.
AccessRoleApi CreateRole Post /role Create a new role. It requires System Manage right.
AccessRoleApi DeleteRole Delete /role/{role_id} Remove a specific role. It requires System Manage right.
AccessRoleApi GetRole Get /role/{role_id} Get individual role details. It requires System View right.
AccessRoleApi ListRoles Get /role Get a list of users. It requires System View right.
AccessRoleApi OptionsForList2 Options /role Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting
AccessRoleApi UpdateRole Put /role/{role_id} Update a specific role. It requires System Manage right.
ApplianceApi CountClusters Head /cluster Get a count of total appliances matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceApi GetCluster Get /cluster/{cluster_id} Get individual appliance. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceApi ListClusters Get /cluster Get a list of appliances. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceApi OptionsForListCluster Options /cluster Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplianceDelegationApi DelegateGetCallDownloadLog Get /appliancedelegation/{cluster_id}/config/download/log Download logs from backup/recovery appliance. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceDelegationApi DownloadConnector Get /appliancedelegation/{cluster_id}/connectorbinary/{connectorname} Download connectors from backup/recovery appliance. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageSystem IAM permission
ApplianceDelegationApi DownloadOssNotice Get /appliancedelegation/{cluster_id}/config/download/ossnotice Download zip file containing licenses and notices for open-source components from backup/recovery appliance. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceDelegationApi UploadSoftwareUpgradeToAppliance Post /appliancedelegation/{cluster_id}/cluster/uploadupdate Upload software upgrade packages. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi CountApplianceUpdates Head /applianceupdate Get a count of total applianceupdates matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi DeleteSchedule Delete /applianceupdate/schedule Deletes the schedule for update. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi DiscoverUpdates Post /applianceupdate/discover Discover new updates for the managed appliances. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi GetApplianceUpdate Get /applianceupdate/{update_id} Get update details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi GetNotifications Get /applianceupdate/notification Fetch the notifications that needs to be displayed to the user. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi GetReadMeForApplianceUpdate Get /applianceupdate/readme Get readme with respect to the update id passed. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi InstallApplianceUpdateNow Post /applianceupdate/installnow Install the updates now. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi ListApplianceUpdates Get /applianceupdate Get the list of actionable updates. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi OptionsForListApplianceUpdates Options /applianceupdate Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateApi UpdateNotificationForApplianceUpdate Put /applianceupdate/notification Update the acknowledge status of the notification to true
ApplianceUpdateApi UpdateSchedule Post /applianceupdate/schedule Creates the schedule for update. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateInstallationJobApi CountApplianceUpdatesInstallationJobs Head /applianceupdateinstallationjob Get the count of total appliance update installation jobs. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateInstallationJobApi GetApplianceUpdateInstallationJob Get /applianceupdateinstallationjob/{update_id} Get the appliance update job details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateInstallationJobApi GetReadMeForApplianceUpdateInstallationJob Get /applianceupdateinstallationjob/readme Get readme of the update id passed. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateInstallationJobApi GetUpdateLogs Get /applianceupdateinstallationjob/log Get logs of the update id passed. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateInstallationJobApi ListApplianceUpdatesInstallationjobs Get /applianceupdateinstallationjob Get the list of update installation jobs. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateInstallationJobApi OptionsForListApplianceUpdateInstallationJobs Options /applianceupdateinstallationjob Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplianceUpdateInstallationJobApi UpdateNotificationForApplianceUpdateInstallationJob Put /applianceupdateinstallationjob/notification Update the acknowledge status of the notification to true
ApplicationApi BackupNow Post /application/{application_id}/backup Run a backup job. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackups IAM permission
ApplicationApi CountApplications Head /application Get a count of total applications matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi CreateOptionForApp Post /application/{application_id}/settableoption Create a settable option for the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
ApplicationApi CreateWorkflow Post /application/{application_id}/workflow Create new workflow for the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageWorkflows IAM permission
ApplicationApi DeleteApplication Delete /application/{application_id} Delete application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
ApplicationApi DeleteOptionForApp Delete /application/{application_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Delete the particular option from the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
ApplicationApi DeleteWorkflow Delete /application/{application_id}/workflow/{workflow_id} Delete existing workflow. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageWorkflows IAM permission
ApplicationApi ExpireBackups Post /application/{application_id}/expirebackup Expires backups of the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageExpiration IAM permission
ApplicationApi GetAppClass Get /application/{application_id}/appclass Get the particular application's appclass metadata. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi GetAppClassByAppclassName Get /application/appclass/{appclass_name} Get appclass metadata for the particular appclass name. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi GetAppClasses Get /application/appclass Get all available app classes from given cluster. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi GetApplication Get /application/{application_id} Get details on the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi GetOptionForApp Get /application/{application_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Get the particular option of the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
ApplicationApi GetWorkflow Get /application/{application_id}/workflow/{workflow_id} Get individual workflow. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewWorkflows IAM permission
ApplicationApi ListActiveImages Get /application/{application_id}/activeimage Get active images for an application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi ListApplicationTypes Get /application/types Get list of application types that are currently in the system. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi ListApplications Get /application List applications. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi ListOptionForApp Get /application/{application_id}/settableoption List all existing settable options of the application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi ListWorkflowsPerApp Get /application/{application_id}/workflow Get list of workflows for the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewWorkflows IAM permission
ApplicationApi OptionsForListApplication Options /application Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi SettableOptionMetadataForApp Options /application/{application_id}/settableoption Get settable option metadata of the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi SettableOptionMetadataForAppType Options /application/settableoption/{apptype} Settable option metadata for the particular application type. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ApplicationApi UpdateApplication Put /application/{application_id} Update application data. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications and backupdr.managementServers.manageSensitiveData (for sensitive app) IAM permissions
ApplicationApi UpdateOptionForApp Put /application/{application_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Update the particular option of the particular application. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
ApplicationApi UpdateWorkflow Put /application/{application_id}/workflow/{workflow_id} Update existing workflow. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageWorkflows IAM permission
AuditLogApi CountAudits Head /localaudit Get a count of total audit records matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
AuditLogApi GetAudit Get /localaudit/{audit_id} Get individual audit record details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
AuditLogApi ListAudits Get /localaudit Get a list of local audit records. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
AuditLogApi OptionsForListLocalAudit Options /localaudit Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewSystem IAM permission
BackupApi CloneBackup Post /backup/{backup_id}/clone Clone a specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageClones and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi CountBackups Head /backup Get a count of total backups matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
BackupApi DeleteBackup Delete /backup/{backup_id} Delete a specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageExpiration and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi ExpireBackup Post /backup/{backup_id}/expire Expire a specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageExpiration and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi FetchApplicationOptions Get /backup/{backupid}/applicationOptions Gets the dynamic list of application options and corresponding default value (if any) for given backup image. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackups and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi GetBackup Get /backup/{backup_id} Get individual backup details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi GetDiskMapping Get /backup/{backupid}/diskmapping Gets disk mapping options for restore (source disks, target disks, RAC node list etc). It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackups and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi ListBackups Get /backup Get a list of backups. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
BackupApi LiveCloneBackup Post /backup/{backup_id}/liveclone Create live-clone of a specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageLiveClones and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi MigrateRestoreMountBackup Post /backup/{backupid}/restoremigrate Submit restore-migrate for Oracle restore-mounted image. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageMigrations and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi MountBackup Post /backup/{backup_id}/mount Mount a specific backup. It require backupdr.managementServers.manageMounts IAM permission for mounting any backup, backupdr.managementServers.manageRestores IAM permission for restoring GCE backup, and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData IAM permission to access sensitive backup
BackupApi MountMigratePreflight Post /backup/{backupid}/mountmigratepreflight Performs preflight check for Oracle restore-mount/restore-migrate operations. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageMigrations and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi OptionsForListBackup Options /backup Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
BackupApi PrepMountLiveCloneNew Post /backup/{backup_id}/prepmount Prep-mount a specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageLiveClones and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi PrepUnmountBackup Post /backup/{backup_id}/prepunmount Prep-unmount a specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageLiveClones and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi RefreshLiveClone Post /backup/{backup_id}/refresh Refresh a live-clone backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageLiveClones and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi RestoreBackup Post /backup/{backup_id}/restore Restore an application from a specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageRestores and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi UnmountBackup Post /backup/{backup_id}/unmount Unmount a specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageMounts and backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData (for sensitive backup) IAM permissions
BackupApi UpdateBackup Put /backup/{backup_id} Update the specific backup. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageExpiration IAM permission to update expiration, backupdr.managementServers.manageBackups IAM permission to update rest of the fields, backupdr.managementServers.accessSensitiveData IAM permission to update sensitive backup, and backupdr.managementServers.manageSensitiveData IAM permission to update sensitivity flag
ConfigurationApi GetVersion Get /config/version Get version. No special IAM permission requirement as long as there is valid session id.
ConfigurationApi GetVersionDetail Get /config/versiondetail Get version details. No special IAM permission requirement as long as there is valid session id.
ConfigurationApi GetVmMetadataDetails Get /config/mgmtconsoledetails
ConsistencyGroupApi CountConsistencyGroups Head /consistencygroup Get a count of total consistency groups matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ConsistencyGroupApi CreateConsistencyGroup Post /consistencygroup Create a new consistency group. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
ConsistencyGroupApi DeleteConsistencyGroup Delete /consistencygroup/{group_id} Remove a consistency group. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
ConsistencyGroupApi GetConsistencyGroup Get /consistencygroup/{group_id} Get individual consistency group details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ConsistencyGroupApi GetConsistencyGroupMember Get /consistencygroup/{group_id}/member Get consistency group's members. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ConsistencyGroupApi ListConsistencyGroups Get /consistencygroup Get a list of consistency groups. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ConsistencyGroupApi ModifyConsistencyGroupMember Post /consistencygroup/{group_id}/member Incrementally add/delete consistency group members. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
ConsistencyGroupApi OptionsForListConsistencyGroup Options /consistencygroup Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
ConsistencyGroupApi UpdateConsistencyGroup Put /consistencygroup/{group_id} Update a consistency group. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
DefaultApi AddCloudPool Post /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/cloudpool
DefaultApi AddVm Post /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/discovervm/addvm
DefaultApi CountCloudCredentials Head /cloudcredential
DefaultApi CountDynamicProtections Head /dynamicprotection Get a count of total dynamic protection entries. It requires backupdr.managementServers.getDynamicProtection IAM permission
DefaultApi CreateCredential Post /cloudcredential
DefaultApi CreateDynamicProtection Post /dynamicprotection Create a new dynamic protection entry. It requires backupdr.managementServers.createDynamicProtection IAM permission
DefaultApi DeleteCloudPool Delete /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/cloudpool
DefaultApi DeleteCredential Delete /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}
DefaultApi DeleteDynamicProtection Delete /dynamicprotection/{dynamicprotection_id} Remove a dynamic protection entry. It requires backupdr.managementServers.deleteDynamicProtection IAM permission
DefaultApi DiscoverCloudVm Post /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/discovervm/vm
DefaultApi GetAllZones Get /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/region/{region}/zone
DefaultApi GetCloudCredentialMetaInfo Get /cloudcredential/cloudtype/{type}/field
DefaultApi GetCloudTypes Get /cloudcredential/cloudtype
DefaultApi GetCloudVmMetaInfo Get /cloudcredential/cloudtype/{type}/vminfo
DefaultApi GetCredential Get /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}
DefaultApi GetDynamicProtection Get /dynamicprotection/{dynamicprotection_id} Get individual dynamic protection entry details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.getDynamicProtection IAM permission
DefaultApi GetExternalGrammar Get /application.wadl/{path}
DefaultApi GetGCPProjects Get /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/projects
DefaultApi GetMountVmParams Get /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/region/{region}/mountinfo
DefaultApi GetRegions Get /cloudcredential/cloudtype/{type}/region
DefaultApi GetWadl Get /application.wadl
DefaultApi ListCredentials Get /cloudcredential
DefaultApi ListDiskTypes Get /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/disktypes
DefaultApi ListDynamicProtections Get /dynamicprotection Get a list of dynamic protection entries. It requires backupdr.managementServers.listDynamicProtection IAM
DefaultApi PromoteExistingCredential Post /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/promote
DefaultApi RunDynamicProtectionJob Post /dynamicprotection/job Run dynamic protection job. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
DefaultApi SetDynamicProtectionJobConfig Put /dynamicprotection/jobconfig Update dynamic protection job config. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
DefaultApi TestCredential Post /cloudcredential/testconnection
DefaultApi UpdateCloudPool Put /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}/cloudpool
DefaultApi UpdateCredential Put /cloudcredential/{cloudcredential_id}
DiskPoolApi CountDiskPools Head /diskpool Get a count of total diskpools matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
DiskPoolApi CreateDiskPool Post /diskpool Create a new diskpool. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
DiskPoolApi DeleteDiskPool Delete /diskpool/{diskpool_id} Remove the specific diskpool. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
DiskPoolApi GetDiskPool Get /diskpool/{diskpool_id} Get individual diskpool details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
DiskPoolApi GetDynamicJsonForPoolManage Get /diskpool/vault/listdynamicfields/{pool_type} List dynamic UI properties based on type of vault pool. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
DiskPoolApi GetVaultList Get /diskpool/vault/listtype List types of vault pool. Requires Storage Manage right.
DiskPoolApi ListDiskPools Get /diskpool Get a list of diskpools. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
DiskPoolApi ListGcpVaultPool Get /diskpool/listgcpvaultpool Get a list of GCP vault pools. This operation is network costly and UI needs to cache the result. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
DiskPoolApi OptionsForListDiskPool Options /diskpool Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
DiskPoolApi UpdateDiskPool Put /diskpool/{diskpool_id} Update the specific diskpool. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
HostApi AddApplication Post /host/{host_id}/addapplication Create a new application on the specific host. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
HostApi AppDiscovery Post /host/{host_id}/appdiscovery Discover applications on the specific host. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
HostApi CountHosts Head /host Get a count of total hosts matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
HostApi CreateHost Post /host Create a new host. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageHosts IAM permission
HostApi DeleteHost Delete /host/{host_id} Delete a host completely or remove the host from selective appliances. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageHosts IAM permission
HostApi EnableConnectorUpgrade Post /host/enableconnectorupgrade
HostApi GetHost Get /host/{host_id} Get individual host details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
HostApi ListHosts Get /host Get a list of host. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
HostApi OptionsForListHost Options /host Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
HostApi RevokeCertificate Put /host/revokeCertificate Revokes existing certificates of passed in host and blocks them from creating any new certificates. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageHosts IAM permission
HostApi TestConnectorConnection Post /host/{hostid}/testconnectorconnection
HostApi UpdateHost Put /host/{host_id} Update a host. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageHosts IAM permission
HostApi VmAddNew Post /host/{host_id}/host/{cluster_name}/addvms Add discovered VMs to appliances asynchronously. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageHosts IAM permission
HostApi VmDiscoveryWithoutCluster Get /host/{host_id}/discovervm Discover VMS on the specific host. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageHosts IAM permission
JobApi CountCombinedJob Head /jobstatus Get a count of total jobs (including running jobs and finished jobs) matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
JobApi ListCombinedJobs Get /jobstatus Get a list of jobs (including running jobs and finished jobs). It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
JobApi OptionsForListCombinedJob Options /jobstatus Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi CountLogicalGroups Head /logicalgroup Get a count of total logical groups matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi CreateLogicalGroup Post /logicalgroup Create a new logical group. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi CreateLogicalGroupSla Post /logicalgroup/{group_id}/sla Protect a logical group. It creates individual SLAs for all members. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi DeleteLogicalGroup Delete /logicalgroup/{group_id} Remove a logical group. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi DeleteLogicalGroupSla Delete /logicalgroup/{group_id}/sla Unprotect a logical group. It removes SLAs for all members. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi GetLogicalGroup Get /logicalgroup/{group_id} Get individual logical group details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi ListLogicalGroup Get /logicalgroup Get a list of logical groups. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi ListLogicalGroupMembers Get /logicalgroup/{group_id}/member Get logical group's members. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi ModifyLogicalGroupMembers Post /logicalgroup/{group_id}/member Incrementally add/delete logical group members. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi OptionsForListLogicalGroup Options /logicalgroup Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi UpdateLogicalGroup Put /logicalgroup/{group_id} Update a logical group. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageApplications IAM permission
LogicalGroupApi UpdateLogicalGroupSla Put /logicalgroup/{group_id}/sla Update the current SLAs for a logical group. It updates individual SLAs for all members. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
ManageACLApi GetDbDumpUploadUrls Post /manageacl/migration/getdbdumpuploadurls
ManageACLApi GetRMMigrationStatus Get /manageacl/migration/rmmigrationstatus
ManageACLApi IsInMigrationMode Get /manageacl/migration/isinmigrationmode
ManageACLApi PromoteUser Put /manageacl/promoteUser To promote the IAP Manage Acl users to Administrator role
ManageACLApi StoreSecretKeys Post /manageacl/migration/savesecret
OrganizationApi AddResourcesToOrg Post /org/{org_id}/assignment/add Add resources to a specific organization. It requires System Manage right.
OrganizationApi CountOrgs Head /org Get a count of total organizations matching the filters. It requires System View right.
OrganizationApi CreateOrg Post /org Create a new organization. It requires System Manage right.
OrganizationApi DeleteOrg Delete /org/{org_id} Remove a specific organization. It requires System Manage right.
OrganizationApi GetOrg Get /org/{org_id} Get individual organization details.
OrganizationApi ListOrgs Get /org Get a list of organizations.
OrganizationApi OptionsForList Options /org Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting
OrganizationApi RemoveResourcesFromOrg Post /org/{org_id}/assignment/remove Remove resources from a specific organization. It requires System Manage right.
OrganizationApi UpdateOrg Put /org/{org_id} Update a specific organization. It requires System Manage right.
SLAApi CountSlas Head /sla Get a count of total SLAs matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi CreateOptionForSla Post /sla/{sla_id}/settableoption Create an overridden option on the specific SLA. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi CreateSla Post /sla Create a new SLA. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi CreateSlaPreflight Post /sla/preflight Preflight on creating a new SLA. It requires SLA Assign right.
SLAApi DeleteOptionForSla Delete /sla/{sla_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Delete a specific overridden option on the specific SLA. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi DeleteSla Delete /sla/{sla_id} Remove the specific SLA. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi GetOptionForSla Get /sla/{sla_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Get the details of a specific overridden option on the specific SLA. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi GetSla Get /sla/{sla_id} Get individual SLA details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi ListOptionForSla Get /sla/{sla_id}/settableoption List all overridden options already set on the specific SLA. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi ListSlas Get /sla Get a list of SLAs. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi SettableOptionMetadataForSla Options /sla/{sla_id}/settableoption List all overridable option metadata for the specific SLA. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi UpdateOptionForSla Put /sla/{sla_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Update a specific overridden option on the specific SLA. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAApi UpdateSla Put /sla/{sla_id} Update the specific slp. It requires backupdr.managementServers.assignBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAProfileApi CountSlps Head /slp Get a count of total slps matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAProfileApi CreateSlp Post /slp Create a new slp. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAProfileApi DeleteSlp Delete /slp/{slp_id} Remove the specific slp. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAProfileApi GetGCPProjectsByProfile Get /slp/{slp_id}/projects
SLAProfileApi GetSlp Get /slp/{slp_id} Get individual slp details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAProfileApi ListSlps Get /slp Get a list of slps. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLAProfileApi UpdateSlp Put /slp/{slp_id} Update the specific slp. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi CloneTemplates Post /slt/{slt_id}/clone Clone a specific slt. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi CountSlts Head /slt Get a count of total slts matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi CreateOptionForPolicy Post /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id}/settableoption Create a new settable option for the specific policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi CreatePolicy Post /slt/{slt_id}/policy Create a new policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi CreateSlt Post /slt Create a new slt. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi DeleteOptionForPolicy Delete /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Remove a settable option for the specific policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi DeletePolicy Delete /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id} Remove a policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi DeleteSlt Delete /slt/{slt_id} Remove a slt. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi GetOptionForPolicy Get /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Get a specific settable option of the specific policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi GetPolicy Get /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id} Get individual policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi GetSlt Get /slt/{slt_id} Get individual slt details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi ListOptionForPolicy Get /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id}/settableoption List all existing settable options of the specific policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi ListPolicies Get /slt/{slt_id}/policy Get policy list from the specific slt. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi ListSlts Get /slt Get a list of slts. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi OptionsForListSlt Options /slt Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
SLATemplateApi SettableOptionMetadataForPolicy Options /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id}/settableoption Get settable option metadata for the specific policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
SLATemplateApi SettableOptionMetadataForPolicyType Options /slt/settableoption/{policytype} Get settable option metadata for the specific policy type. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
SLATemplateApi UpdateOptionForPolicy Put /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id}/settableoption/{option_id} Update a settable option for the specific policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi UpdatePolicy Put /slt/{slt_id}/policy/{policy_id} Update a policy. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
SLATemplateApi UpdateSlt Put /slt/{slt_id} Update a slt. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageBackupPlans IAM permission
StorageArrayApi CountArrays Head /array Get a count of total storage arrays matching the filters. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi CreateArray Post /array Create a storage array. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi CredentialTest Post /array/pretest Credential test before creating a storage array. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi DeleteArray Delete /array/{array_id} Remove the specific storage array from all appliances. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi GetArray Get /array/{array_id} Get individual storage array details. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi GetArrayTypes Get /array/type Get all supported storage array types from appliances. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi ListArrays Get /array Get a list of storage arrays. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi OptionsForListArray Options /array Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting. It requires backupdr.managementServers.viewStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi TestArray Post /array/{array_id} Connectivity test on the specific storage array. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
StorageArrayApi UpdateArray Put /array/{array_id} Update a specific storage array. It requires backupdr.managementServers.manageStorage IAM permission
UserApi CountUsers Head /user Get a count of total users matching the filters. It requires System View right.
UserApi CreateUser Post /user Create a new user. It requires System Manage right.
UserApi DeleteUser Delete /user/{user_id} Remove a specific user. It requires System Manage right.
UserApi GetUser Get /user/{user_id} Get individual user details. It requires System View right.
UserApi ListRoles1 Get /user Get a list of users. It requires System View right.
UserApi OptionsForList3 Options /user Describes the fields available for filtering and sorting
UserApi UpdateUser Put /user/{user_id} Update a specific user. It requires System Manage right.
UserSessionApi GetPermissions Get /session/permissions Get IAM permissions for the user
UserSessionApi GetSessionInfo Get /session/current Get session information, including user preferences. It requires backupdr.managementServers.access IAM permission
UserSessionApi Login Post /session Register an user session
UserSessionApi Logout Delete /session/current Deregister the current user session
UserSessionApi PutUserpref Put /session/current Update user preferences

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
	Key: "APIKEY",
	Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
