Pieced together from the PID library and a tutorial on thermistors:



Download the library from here: https://github.com/br3ttb/Arduino-PID-Library/zipball/master
and move the PID_v1 to your arduino's /libraries directory

Select your board type from the arduino IDE

Burn it to your 'duino

Parts List:
- 1x large styrofoam box with one open end of dimensions WxH
- 1x lasercut plexiglass front plate of dimensions WxH (from plate.svg)
- 4x lasercut plexiglass petri dish mounting plates
- 1x peltier cooler
- 2x heat sinks
- 2x fans
- nuts + bolts
- 1x hinge
- 1x arduino
- 1x 2kohm thermistors
- 1x 2kohm resistors