
piazza, but piazza

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status


tag.it is an innovative platform that connects students to teachers. This GitHub Respository contains all the source code to run the application.

All Code is seperated into backend and client code, in each their own respective folder.

The backend is written in Express.js and the frontend is written in React. We use Firebase as the database. For testing, we leverage the Mocha and Chai frameworks.

We have deployed the production version of tag.it using Netlify to run the static frontend and Heroku to host the backend api server.

You can checkout the live version of the app @ tagdotit.netlify.app

Developing the App Locally


git clone https://github.com/daniel-d-truong/tag.it
yarn install

Front-End / Back-End Localhosts

Frontend runs on localhost:3000.
Backend runs on localhost:4000 (to access API routes, use localhost:4000/api/).

Running the Whole Webapp

yarn start

This commands runs the frontend AND the backend.

Running the Whole Test Suite

yarn test

This command runs the tests in the frontend AND the backend.

Running the Front End

yarn client

This command runs the frontend ONLY.

Running the Back End

yarn server

This command runs the backend ONLY.