
Offline-first PWA notes app built with Typescript React and Express for B.S (Computer Science) capstone, graded 93.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Start Commands (all commands are run at project root)

you can start either the backend or the frontend individually by running:

yarn workspace client/server dev

or you can start them both at once by running:

yarn dev

you can look at all the available commands by checking the scripts section of each package.json

Install Commands

we need to install our packages to a specific workspace, so they get managed and installed correctly during production. to do so run:

yarn workspace client add somepackage
yarn workspace server add somepackage

additionally, there is no distinguishment between dependencies and devDependencies (packages you only need in development like prettier) for the react app because it all gets built into minified files when deployed. There is however a distinguishment between dependencies and devDependencies for the node server so please be careful which you install as we go through the sem

to install something as a devDependency run:

yarn workspace server add -D someDevpackage

yarn explantion

I couldn't get our test pipeline to run properly with the react app as a subfolder of our node server, as react is very pedantic about which version of jest it uses and didnt like sharing with node.

To solve this, I split the two into two client/server directories. This created the problem of heroku not properly installing dependencies when the app was being deployed

Thus the solution I landed on was yarn workspaces.

The structure looks like this

- package.json
- yarn lock
- client
-- package.json
- server
-- package.json

and in the (root) package.json we see:

  "workspaces": {
    "packages": [

what this means is that the (root) yarn controlls the whole "monorepo" and is the controller for all dependencies, we never directly install dependencies here. So do not run "yarn add somepackage" as it will install it in the root rather than the client/server

Test Pipeline

The way the test pipeline works, is by running:

yarn workspace server/client build
yarn workspace server/client test

for both the client and the server, and you can check the commands being run in the ./github/node.js.yml file. The pipeline is set to run before pushes to main and develop, as well as before merges to main and develop so you'll be able to easily tell if a merge will break something and github will automatically abort the merge

All we've got to do is write tests as/before we write code and it will keep our ship sailing

Integration testing

The integration tests are set up to use a local mongo database so that we can clear it between each test. To start integration testing follow these steps:

  • Start docker desktop on your machine
  • run in terminal 1:
yarn install
docker pull mongo
docker run -d mongo-on-docker -p 27017:27017 mongo
  • run in terminal 2:
yarn integration
  • run in terminal 3:
yarn run cypress open
  • finally choose the test suite you would like to run

The test suites are set up in /cypress/integration/ and are configured to dump the database before each test so when testing parts of the application that require auth you will need to register a user before starting to test functionality


The way deployment works is by pushing the repo to heroku whenever we make a merge or a push to main and after the test pipeline has passed. Heroku then builds our production container as specified in the Dockerfile at project root.

It does a multi stage build where it installs and compiles both apps then copies only necessary files to run over to the production build stage to minimize the size of our production image. Heroku has a self serve redis cache add on that we have included so while we use a redis cache in our development container orchestration we do not need one for deployment, as we hook into their redis cache.

^ then the server serves the static files that were build from react so we dont need to start the react app

Github Setup

I've set it up so we all need to create a pull request to push to a protected branch (main/dev), so rather than pushing to these branches directly we should cut a branch off as a hotfix from main, or a feature from dev. Make changes on the new branch then create a pr, and assign someone to review our changes before merging back in. We also will be unable to merge until the tests pass