
The cleaner and more organized bridge from you to facebook platform.

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Laravel Facebook

The cleaner and more organized bridge from you to facebook platform.


Laravel Facebook is the most simple solution for developers that need fast, autonomous and secure integration with the Facebook platform. Using the facebook php sdk v4 from April 28, 2014, Laravel Facebook establishes the cleaner and more organized intermediation between you and the platform.

'It just builds a bridge. You will have to pass for it.' -- me

Needed knowledge

Facebook Platform utilizes their Graph API as a primary way to get data in and out of Facebook's social graph. In order to get to the bottom at this package, you'll need to have the basic knowledge in access tokens and facebook permissions, but don't worry, it's really not that hard.


Required steps

In the require key of master composer.json file add the following.

"facebook/php-sdk-v4" : "4.0.*",
"welderlourenco/laravel-facebook" : "dev-master"

Run the Composer update comand

composer update

Once this operation completes, the final step is to add the provider and the alias in the app/config/app.php config file.

return array(
  // ...
  'providers' => array(
    // At the end of this array, push Laravel Facebook provider:
  'aliases' => array(
    // At the end of this array, push Laravel Facebook facade:
    'Facebook'				=> 'WelderLourenco\Facebook\Facades\Facebook'


Run the Config Publish command

php artisan config:publish welderlourenco/laravel-facebook

Go to the generated config file in your application

return array(	
	| facebook-php-sdk-v4
	| Essential data provided for the facebook-php-sdk-v4. The app-id and 
	| app-secret won't even be touched by welderlourenco/laravel-facebook's 
	| package.
	'appId'			=> '', // Id of your facebook app.
	'appSecret'		=> '', // Secret of your facebook app.
	'redirectUrl'	=> '' // Where to process the facebook answer.

Available Methods / Usage

In any page, use the connect() method without passing any arguments to get a instance of the FacebookRedirectLoginHelper object, allowing you to call its native methods.

Example: Get the login url.

$FacebookRedirectLoginHelper = Facebook::connect();
echo $loginUrl = $FacebookRedirectLoginHelper->getLoginUrl();

Laravel Facebook allows you to chain these methods, looking way more pretty.

echo Facebook::connect()->getLoginUrl();

You can pass an array to the getLoginUrl method to define the scope.

echo Facebook::connect()->getLoginUrl(array('email'));
// public_profile (default scope) and email

In the redirect page, call the process() method to process the facebook answer and get a instance of the FacebookSession object, allowing you to call its native methods.

Example: Process the facebook redirect, transform it to long-lived access token and get the access token.

$accessToken = Facebook::process()->getLongLivedSession()->getToken();
// Now that you have the access token, do whatever you want with it, store in database or in a cookie, it is you call.

In any page, use the connect() method again passing a accessToken as argument to get a instance of FacebookSession object, allowing you to call its native methods.

Example: Get session info.

$accessToken = 'example-of-access-token';

In any page use the api() method passing 3 arguments to get the GraphObject object, allowing you to call its native methods.

Example: Process the facebook redirect, transform it to long-lived access token and get the access token and the user personal info.

// FacebookSession, you'll need this to make any api calls.
$session = Facebook::process()->getLongLivedSession();
// Access Token
$accessToken = $session->getToken();
// User info
$user = Facebook::api($session, 'GET', '/me');

In any page, before calling the connect() or process() method use the change() passing 2 required arguments and 2 optional to change the app before connecting.

Example: Get the login url from another app.

echo Facebook::change($newAppId, $newAppSecret, $optionalNewAppRedirectUrl)->connect()->getLoginUrl();


Thank God for the knowledge to write all this.