Having fun with the Nikon D3100 dslr, using the Raspberry Pi. Mobile friendly, works in your browser - and totally awesome! Tested on Chrome, Firefox, Nexus 4 smartphone, Nexus 7 tablet, Raspberry Pi Model B (Raspbian: Debian Wheezy).
Note: This project serves primarily as a playground in order to refresh my knowledge about idiomatic Flask / Jinja2 setups.
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: requirements-devel.txt contains some additional code quality checkers.
Unfortunately the libgphoto2 Python bindings are ugly, full of memory leaks and missing important functions. The gphoto2 utility (subprocess) has to suffice. Get over it.
The Raspberry Pi has some hardware problems with its USB ports. See the usbreset code in the utils directory.
gcc usbreset.c -static -o usbreset
strip --strip-unneeded usbreset
mv usbreset /usr/local/bin/
If you want to be fancy, you can install a web server (e.g. lighttpd, nginx) and let the Flask app communicate (e.g. FastCGI, uWSGI) with it using WSGI. Please make sure to set DEBUG=False in the configuration as soon as you're not just playing around with it but using it e.g. on a public network.
Otherwise, just use the Flask server:
Try to keep the package clean.
pep8 --show-source --max-line-length=120 dslrpicontrol
pyflakes dslrpicontrol