
Layout animations for the web

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status gzip size

Library for animating layout changes perfomantly using the FLIP technique

Use cases:

  • List reordering
  • DOM node additions/removals
  • Shared element transitions
  • Animating "unanimatable" CSS properties(e.g. display, flex-direction, grid-template-rows)


  • Smallish footprint(~2kB gzipped)
  • Handles nested DOM structures by compensation for parent transforms
  • Automatically detects DOM changes by leveraging MutationObservers



NPM: npm install mjukna


Basic usage

// Register all list items

// Remove the first one one

Will result in:

basic usage


mjukna(element(s), options)


Type: Element | iterable of Elements | Array of objects


Type: object

  • staggerBy - Number in milliseconds to delay each element with
  • enterFilter - predicate function that gets called for each element added to the DOM. Return true to run enter animation.
  • enterAnimation - Hook to run custom enter animations. The provided function will be called with to arguments, the element and a done callback.
  • exitAnimation - Same as enterAnimation but for removed DOM nodes
  • spring - Parameters for the spring physics

Example including all available options:

  staggerBy: 20,
  enterFilter: (element) => element.classList.contains('list-item'),
  enterAnimation: (element, done) => externalLibFadeIn(element).then(done),
  exitAnimation:(element, done) => externalLibFadeOut(element).then(done),
  spring: {
    stiffness: 10,
    damping: 0.5

Shared element transitions

When an element enters the DOM, an anchor element can be set as the origin for element. The added element will be transformed to the same size/position as the anchor element and then animated to its normal position.

As an example, making a modal expand from a button might look something like this:

  anchor: document.querySelector('modal-button'),
  element: () => document.querySelector('modal')

const modal = document.createElement('div');

shared usage

Nested elements

One common problem when using FLIP animations is that nested content can get distorted, especially text content. This library solves this by keeping track of parent child relations and applies compensating transforms to child elements.

Say an element with a text element should double in width while the text should change from left-align to right. This can be achieved with the following mjukna code:

.box {
  width: 200px;
  background: chocolate;

.box h2 {
  display: inline-block;

.box.big {
  width: 400px;
  text-align: right;
<div class="box">
  <h2>Brown Fox</h2>
mjukna(document.querySelectorAll('.box, .box h2'));

Note that we need to register both the parent and the child.

Also note that the example changes width and text-align, only the transform-property is changed by the library. That's the magic of FLIP :)


A note about text content

When animating text you need to keep two things in mind:

  • The containing element must fully enclose the text(e.g. inline-block)
  • If text in the first or the final position wraps multiple lines, each word needs to be wrapped in an inline-block element.


.box {
  width: 70px;
  background: chocolate;
  text-align: center;

.box span {
  display: inline-block;

.box.big {
  width: 200px;
  font-size: smaller;
<div class="box">
  <h2><span>One</span> <span>two</span> <span>three</span></h2>
mjukna(document.querySelectorAll('.box, .box span'));



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