
A social media website with the ability to create profiles, posts, and comments, and grow your friend network.

⚠️ NOTE: Odinbook is now hosted on render to avoid ongoing costs associated with the prior AWS hosting setup.


This is the parent repository for odinbook - a social media website created as part of The Odin Project NodeJS course. This repository was created as the base repository for managing server deployment, and contains a frontend and backend submodule. Please view the frontend and backend repostories for more detailed information. An overview of the project is also found here.

Visit the frontend repository »

Visit the backend repository »

About the project

Odinbook is a Facebook-esque social media website with the ability to create profiles, make posts and comments, and grow your friend network.

Odinbook profile page for Peter Parker


  • Friend requests: send, receive, and even cancel or delete friend requests. Operates in a similar Fashion to Facebook's own friend request system.
  • Image uploads: add or update profile pictures, and attach images to your posts. Odinbook also gives image thumbnail previews while working with images.
  • Demo account: jump right in and experience all of odinbook's features by using the entertaining test account. No sign-in required!
  • Facebook login: a production-ready 'Log in with Facebook' feature that supports creating new accounts with, and logging in with your Facebook credentials.

Technologies used

Odinbook is a full stack MERN application, using Tailwind CSS for design. Learn more about these technologies below:

  • React - Frontend JavaScript framework
  • Tailwind CSS - Frontend CSS styling
  • NodeJS - Backend JavaScript runtime
  • Express - Backend NodeJS web application framework
  • MongoDB - Application database platform
  • AWS - Cloud Computing Services


The following resources were a great help throughout the development of Odinbook.