MechMania 26 Java Starter Pack

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Welcome to MechMania 26! This is the Java Starter Pack. In this repository is the base code to help you get started with the competition. You can find in the path src/main/java/mech/mania/starter_pack/domain/

The Don'ts

  • Don't edit any files except for These other files are necessary for your code to interface with the engine. Messing with them will only cause your player to function incorrectly!
  • Don't change the return type of makeDecision in Again, if you do, you'll only be hurting yourself.

The Do's

  • Do implement your strategy in This file is used by the rest of our code to send your decision to the game engine. Make sure you return a CharacterDecision object.
  • Do use the helper functions in to assist you in implementing your strategy. You can always write your own additional helper functions as well, although we recommend not putting them in
  • Do create new files to help organize your code as you wish!
  • Do use the objects defined in the starter_pack.domain.model package to help you.


If you have any questions about the classes and functions given to you here, please check out the game wiki or ask the MechMania staff on our Discord. Good luck!