
Generate SDK from RAML specification

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generates an optimized SDK from a RAML specification. Works with modern browsers and node.

Usage and Documentation

Install with: npm install -S caraml or yarn add caraml

import caraml from 'caraml'

// ---------- OPTIONS ----------
const options = {
  // Path to root RAML file
  apiPath: './api.raml',
  // Parameters in base URI - version is auto-included
  baseUriParameters: {
    region: 'se01'
  // Headers to send with every request unless overridden
  defaultHeaders: {
    Authorization: 'Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=='
  // Prefix on resources when naming collisions occur
  overridePrefix: '$'

// ---------- RESOURCES ----------
const { resources } = caraml(options)

// The resources object contains the top-level RAML resources (lower cased)
const { users } = resources

// Nested resources are properties of the parent resource
users.me // = /users/me

// Add uri-parameters by calling the resource with parameters
users(42) // = /users/42
users({ id: 42 }) // = /users/42 (route is /users/{id})
users({ username: 'alladin' }) // = /users/alladin (route is /users/{username})

// Use above in combination to reach any resource
users(42).messages(1).attachments // = /users/42/messages/1/attachments

// ---------- METHODS ----------
// Methods are functions that return promises
const query = 'query=string' || { query: 'parameters' }
const data = { json: 'data' }
// GET
users.get(query, options)
users.find(query, options)
users.post(data, query, options)
users.create(data, query, options)
// PUT
users.put(data, query, options)
users.update(data, query, options)
users.patch(data, query, options)
users.delete(query, options)
users.remove(query, options)

// Methods are available on resources according to spec
users(42).messages.post(data) // = POST /users/42/messages

// Prefix nested resources with overridePrefix when collisions occur
users(42).$find.find(query) // = GET /users/42/find?query=string
users(42).find(query) // = GET /users/42?query=string


Using async/await (recommended)

const message = { text: 'Brevity is the soul of wit' }

async function spreadMessage () {
  const allUsers = await users.find()
  for (let user of allUsers) {
    await users(user.id).messages.create(message)

Using promises

function spreadMessage () {
  return users.find().then(allUsers => {
    allUsers.reduce((promise, user) => {
      return promise.then(() => users(user.id).messages.create(message))
    }, Promise.resolve())


  • Write tests for methods
  • Support for types
    • Wrap responses in type
  • Make optimizations to nested resource creation when calling with parameters
  • Improve comments/documentation
  • Custom error classes


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D