ckSurf 1.17 Based on KZTimer ( Installation 1. Extract everything from the csgo folder to your servers csgo folder 2. Edit addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg - Add in a value called "cksurf" - sqlite and mysql supported - Example: "cksurf" { "driver" "sqlite" "host" "localhost" "database" "cksurf-sqlite" "user" "root" "pass" "" } Optional steps: 3. You can either: - Install the premade zones and map tiers to your database by importing the SQL files in the DatabaseFiles folder OR - Run the commands sm_insertmapzones and sm_insertmaptiers (Notice: Requires you to have the root flag (z) in addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg) 4. Restart the server / Change map Notes: ALWAYS keep mapcycle.txt updated, as that is used to check which maps are on your server. Changelog 1.17 - Fixed issues with zone beams not showing sometimes - Zone beam optimization - Fixed an issue where sometimes you couldn't make new zones - Changes to replay code - General bug fixes 1.16 Changelog - Zones can now be made visible more easily: CVars: - ck_zone_drawstyle | defualt 1 | 0 = Do not display zones, 1 = display the lower edges of zones, 2 = display whole zones. (Also in !zones menu) - ck_zone_drawzones | default 1 | Which zones are visible for players. 1 = draw start & end zones, 2 = draw start, end, stage and bonus zones, 3 = draw all zones. Each zones color can be changed with the following CVars: - ck_zone_startcolor | default 000 255 000 | - ck_zone_endcolor | default 255 000 000 | - ck_zone_checkercolor | default 255 255 000 | - ck_zone_bonusstartcolor | default 000 255 255 | - ck_zone_bonusendcolor | default 255 000 255 | - ck_zone_stagecolor | default 000 000 255 | - ck_zone_checkpointcolor | default 000 000 255 | - ck_zone_speedcolor | default 255 000 000 | - ck_zone_teletostartcolor | default 255 255 000 | - ck_zone_validatorcolor | default 255 255 255 | - ck_zone_stopcolor | default 000 000 000 | - Fixed an issue with using tele commands while spectating - Commented and improved on calculating player points - Fixed unfinished maps command - General fixes and optimizations 1.15 - Fixed issues with spectator menu - Fixed an exploit with restore position (Thanks to apatcheeee) - Fixed issue with sm_gag not gagging properly - General fixes and improvements 1.14 - Fixed an exploit with practice mode - Added CVar ck_force_players_ct - forces players to join the CT team. (default 0) - General fixes and improvements 1.13 - Chat spam protection added - ck_chat_spam_protection - the amount of seconds inbetween messages a player can send - Practice mode strings moved to translation file - Disabled creating checkpoints in the start zones - Removing a maptime now removes checkpoints also - !togglecheckpoints - Hides checkpoints 1.12 - Fixed issue with practice mode when starting in the start-zone - Checkpoints are now visible when spectating. 1.11 Release - Added things to the ckAdmin & !help menu - Fixed bugs with checkpoints and SR, teleports and !addspawn - General optimization and bug fixes - Removed MapButtons - Reworked prespeed caps - Added bonus speedcap - Simply use ck_pre_start_speed, ck_pre_speed_speed and ck_pre_bonus_speed to limit prespeed on start zones. - Removed prespeed type - Fixed !help2 1.1 Release - Added practice mode: - Create checkpoints by writing !cp and start practice mode with !prac/!practice/!tele/!teleport. This will teleport the player back to the location of the checkpoint, when ever the player uses the command again, or touches a start / stage zone. - Get back to normal mode with !n/!normal - Checkpoints now also show the players time difference to server record, if data is available. - Admins can specify the point where !r spawns players by writing !addspawn (remove with !delspawn) - Admins can now add tier information to map in the game with !addmaptier/!amt <num> - Admins can now reset all players Assist scores with !clearassists - Updated zones. Update them with !insertmapzones. - Rebuilt the database with prefixes. - Added !mi / !m / !mapinfo to display map tier information - New CVar ck_min_rank_announce. Runtimes that are slower than the rank specified, don't get announced to all players on server. 0 announces all records. - 1.5b - Bonus bot support added! - CVars: ck_bonus_bot (0/1) & ck_bonus_bot_color (R G B 0/255) - Spec lists should now always be under other menus. (Needs testing) - Active scoreboard improvements! - Kills: Show the amount of seconds in players times. - Assists: Show how many percent a player has completed of current map. - MVP: How many times a player has completed the current map. - Points: How many players have a smaller rank than the mentioned player - Order: Players with highest server ranks are the highest in the list. - 1.4b - Fixed a bunch of bugs from last version - Made changes to the ranking system. Might be too easy to get ranks atm. - Improved !insertmapzones and !insertmaptiers. Actually usable now. - Removed useless stuff - !r / !s / !tele / !goto all now spawn the player, if the command is used while spectating - New CVar: ck_colored_chatnames 0/1 - Colors players names with their rank color. - 1.3b - Fixed bug where bInStartZone was left to True, if player was in start zone when map changed / disconnect - Fixed bug where speedCapType2 didnt cap speed when leaving the start zone, causing an exploit with noclip - Improved checkpoints to be more informative - Improved chat command filters - Removed some useless stuff left over from KZTimer in the database - New Zones - Validator - When a player passes this zone, his run gets flagged as valid - Checker - Checks if the passing player has his run flagged as valid, if not he gets teleported back to the start - These are used to fix unwanted skips - New Commands: - !teleport / !stuck - Teleports player back to the start of the stage, doesn't stop timer - !howto - Displays a youtube video by Adren on surfing basics - 1.2 b - New CVars bo Roy - ck_startzone_sound_path - The path to the sound file that plays after the client leaves the start zone.. - ck_startzone_sound_enabled - Enable the sound after leaving the start zone. - ck_spawn_to_start_zone - 1 = Automatically spawn to the start zone when the client joins the team. - ck_pre_speed_cap_type - 1 = Speed cap applies when user leaves start zone. 2 = Speed cap applies when user hits the ground in the start zone - ck_pre_speed_speed - The prespeed for Speed Zones - ck_pre_start_speed - The prespeed for Start Zones - New Zone, TeleToStart - Teleports players to the start zone - Easy fix for jails, etc - Fonts and colors of timer changed - Added record and rank to timer - Added indicators to show if client has the bonustimer running - Cleared .cfg's - Hid mode chat commands TODO: - Add bonus rankings to !top - Record bonus bots(?) - Multiple bonus support - Code optimizations & organizing Features: 1. 9 Different zone types that are created from the !zones menu. - Start - Starts the timer and caps players movement speed to 400u/s - Can be teleported to by using the !r/!start commands - End - Ends the timer - BonusStart - Starts the bonus stage timer - Can be teleported to using the !bonus/!b command - BonusEnd - Ends the bonus timer - Stage - Marks the start of a stage - Can be teleported to by users using the !stages/!s command - You can only use stages OR checkpoints in a map - Checkpoint - Used in linear maps to get checkpoint times displayed to the user - You can only use stages OR checkpoints in a map - Speed - Same as start, but doesn't have the speed cap - Stop - Stops a players timer - Used to fix exploits with stage selectors usually at the start of a map - TeleToStart - Teleports player to the start zone - Validator - When a player passes this zone, his run gets flagged as valid - Checker - Checks if the passing player has his run flagged as valid, if not he gets teleported back to the start - Local record bot - Informative checkpoints - Premade Zones & Maptiers - Ranking system etc. Transitioning from KZTimer: - ckSurf can use the same database as KZTimer to keep all your old data. - BACKUP YOUR OLD DATABASE as ckSurf does changes to your old database! - ckSurf is also compatible with KZTimers replays, just move them to the addons/sourcemod/data/ckReplays/ folder