
Birthdays is an open-source app for remembering birthdays an finding gifts to give. Birthdays is currently in alpha meaning many features will come and some may go. Website & Play Store.

1. Contributing

If you'd like to contribute to Birthdays, fork this repository and make your changes. Pull requests are warmly welcome.

The source code of Birthdays currently is going through some improvements that have to do with commenting and code organizing. Progress can be seen here: #10.

1.1 Bugs

A list of bugs can be found on the issue tracker. If you will work on a fix please mention this on the issue. If you find a bug please create an issue with [bug] in the title.

1.2 New features

If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue with [new feature] in the title.

If you want to work on a new feature listed on the issue page, please make sure that it does not have the label 'work in progress' yet. Then, If it doesn't have the 'new feature' label, please @mention me (@daniel-vd) or email me to discuss the feature for a good implementation.

If you want to work on a new feature that is not listed in the issues list, please create a new issue with [new feature] in the title and @mention me (@daniel-vd), and make sure to tell you want to work on it. You can also email me. We will then discuss about the feature for a good implementation.

1.3 Translating

Translating will be coming soon.

2. License

Birthdays is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.