
Template to generate Anki decks with markdown

MIT LicenseMIT

Template to write Anki markdown decks

Check code quality Generate Anki decks

Template to use markdown as markup language for Anki decks


  1. Choose: Use this template
  2. Run npm i

Generate decks


  • This template has 2 examples to generate decks for learning the capitals of europe and south america. You can take this as examples.

Run npm run gen-europe and npm run gen-south-america to generate each deck.

Add your own decks

  1. Add your own decks in the ./decks/ folder.
  2. Customize the npm commands in the package.json
  3. This template comes with a CI/CD pipeline to automatically generate the decks. Change the values there. Otherwise, they will just fail.


This template comes with 2 Pipelines:

  1. A code quality pipeline which check the code for format and linting compliance. You can run the check locally with: npm run prettier to check for formatting or npm run lint to check your linting with markdownlint
  2. A deck generation pipeline which automatically generates the Anki .apkg file. With this in place, you can directly download the deck and import it to Anki.

NOTE: You will need to customize the .github/workflows/gen-decks.yml pipeline when you add your custom decks, remove the current, or want to have your decks generated.