
My LunarVim config

Primary LanguageLua

Lunarvim config

My Lunarvim config files



  1. Install Neovim
  2. git clone git@github.com:daniel-vera-g/lvim.git ~/.config/lvim/


The aim is to provide a modular structure to configure different options, plugins, languages,...

  • The config is built around modules which are instantiated in the ./config.lua entry file
  • In sub modules like plugins, an init.lua file is used. This file allows the option to export all module configuration in one export. In the config.lua we then can import the whole module and instantiate it.



  1. ./lua/user/config.lua: General vim config
  2. ./lua/user/lvim.lua: Lunarvim built in config
  3. ./lua/user/keybindings.lua: Custom keybindings

Language/File type related:

  1. ./lua/user/formatters.lua: Language formatters
  2. ./lua/user/linters.lua: Language linters
  3. ./lsp-settings/: Home for the language server settings
  4. ./ftplugin/: Language(Aka. File type) specific configuration

Plugin related:

  1. ./lua/user/plugins/init.lua: Plugin specific configuration
  2. ./snippets/: Custom snippets in VSCode Format
  3. ./spell/: Own spell dictionaries


  1. ./patches: Patches for the original LunarVim config
  • Get patch: git diff > ~/.config/lvim/patches/disable_spell.patch
  • Apply patch(In ~/.local/share/lunarvim): git apply ~/.config/lvim/patches/disable_spell.patch
  • Remove patch(In ~/.local/share/lunarvim): git apply -R ~/.config/lvim/patches/disable_spell.patch



  1. Docs: https://www.lunarvim.org/
  2. Repo: https://github.com/LunarVim/LunarVim

Learn Lua:

  1. https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/lua/
  2. https://www.lua.org/pil/
  3. https://github.com/nanotee/nvim-lua-guide