A discord and IRC bot that scans and notifies of any suspicious links
Real-time scanning of all new messages and easy buttons for moderation (admins only)
Discord Slash-commands intergration
Easy to use scan command
Helpful help menu
Real-time scanning of all new messages
Easy to use scan comamnd
Displays all channels the bot is in
Any channel. PM the bot with ?invite or run /invite Suspicious on any channel and it will join.
Helpful help menu
You can use this bot by simply inviting the publicly hosted bots.
Discord: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=890820136183947275&permissions=8192&scope=bot%20applications.commands
IRC: PM the nick "Suspicious" with ?invite <channel>
. You can also run /invite Suspicious
on any channel.
You can use an IDE to make this process simpler. In my case, I used intellij. Clone the repository (from IDE or commandline).
- From the main menu, select Run | Edit Configurations.
- Click on the plus button and click "Application"
- Select the main class.
- Enter the CLI arguments. For Discord it's
. For IRC, it's<nick> <server> <savefile>