
This is a repository where I have search and recognition scripts for the Windows environment.

Primary LanguageC#


This is a repository where I have search and recognition scripts for the Windows environment.


    * --Path: Search path
    * --text: Text to search for
    * --pattern: Defines the pattern to use in the files, by default is *.*.Extensions.exe, .com, .png, .jpg are omitted.
    * --concat-with-user: Adds at the beginning and at the end of the text, the names of the system users.
    * --previous-length|-p: Sets the text size to display before matching the searched text.
    * --next-length|-n: Sets the text size to display after matching the searched text.
	* ----exclude: Sets the exclude extension, separated by coma. (ex: .dat, .pack, .exe)


Searches for open ports on a host.