
This is a simple project that is made for learning and understanding open source contribution


Description. This is a simple project that is made for learning and understanding open source contribution

What to Contribute? Write a script or a template that bears your name, email and phone number. Once i log, print or run the file i should be able to see a sentence that bears the above details. NB this can be done in any programming language or markup language.

How to contribute

follow these steps.

  1. fork a GitHub repository.

  2. Clone the forked repository to your local system.(git clone url)

  3. Add a Git remote for the original repository. (git remote add origin https://github.com/daniel2code/Open-Source-Demo.git)

  4. Create a feature branch in which to place your changes.(git checkout -b staging branch)

  5. Make your changes to the new branch.(git add .)

  6. Commit the changes to the branch.(git commit -m "first commit")

  7. Push the branch to GitHub.(git push)

Make a pull request