
An iOS app using firebase. The project uses coordinators and Abstract Factory for decoupling our code from Firebase API

Primary LanguageSwift


We are using CocoaPods as our dependency manager. You should do a pod install and use the .xcworkspace file instead of .xcodeproj


Coordinator are responsible for instantiating view controllers and inject their dependencies.

let controller = storyboard
                as? MyController
controller.dependency = DependencyImpl()                

They receive a UIWindow instance and use it to show the controller.

window.rootViewController = myController

If, for example, the view controller should be inside a navigation controller, the coordinator is the responsible for doing that. The view controller doesn't know about any navigation controller.

Abstract Factory

We use the design pattern Abstract Factory for decoupling our data source from the API implementation. That way, we can change from Firebase to another API implementation without the data source noticing.


We are using constructor injection to receive an TalkApi instance on our TalksDataSource. Our coordinator is responsible for sending an TalkApi implementation:

TalksDataSource(talkApi: FireBTalkApi())

If we want to change from FireBase to another implementation, we change the coordinator only.

###Screenshot screenshot