OpenAPI reference http://localhost:8080/api/swagger-ui/index.html
This project was created in: + Java 21 JDK
+ Spring Web Starter + Spring Doc Starter + Spring Data JPA
This project is built with an API-first Development approach to facilitate maintainability and fast adoption. The API contract and schema is kept simple without additional JPA decorators in openapi.yaml file. To simplify updates to the API, specialized Gradle tasks are integrated into the build.gradle manifest, the developer requires only modifying the api spec.
The entities relations are respected when working with them:
- Creating an OrderItem without a matching Order fails.
- Deleting an Order associated with a OrderItem deletes also the OrderItem in question.
- Creating an OrderItem of a Product that doesn't exist fails.
A [postman collection](Ecomm APIs.postman_collection.json) with every endpoint is included in the repository
This project requires JDK 21 Refer to this document for development dependencies (JDK and Docker).
Run ./gradlew build
after checking the code into your local environment.
the build lifecycle is configured to run
followed bygenerateJpaAnnotations
For a complete refresh run
./gradlew clearAndRegenerate
Relations between entities are included here given that openapi cannot automatically resolve them
Quick start: docker run --name postgres-local -e POSTGRES_DB=ecomm -e POSTGRES_USER=ecomm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=T3st12E -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:latest
(Optional) Start with custom settings:
Modify db/docker-compose.yaml as needed
./gradlew test
./gradlew bootRun
In this environment the database is not ephemeral, the schema is not auto generated and the connection to the database is supplied via env vars with the spring profile=prod.
docker build -t agileengine/ecomm-openapi .
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql:// \
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=daniel123
export POSTGRES_USER=daniel
export POSTGRES_DB=ecomm
docker-compose -f ./prod/docker-compose.yaml down -v