
Form validation in Rails 7, with real-time feedback, without full page refresh and without a SPA

Primary LanguageRuby


Investigation into form validation in Rails 7, with real-time feedback, without full page refresh and without a SPA. Benefit is validation rules only live in one place - on the server as part of the model, with no need for duplication and alternate implementation of the rules on the client.

Using StimulusJS from Hotwire to submit form to a validation endpoint as form is being filled in, and replace form html, taking care to replace cursor/focus where user was editing form.

This project uses import maps for JavaScript, with versions pinned to cdns, therefore no need for node/npm or yarn. It's also using vanilla css.


bundle install
docker-compose up
bin/rails db:create
bin/rails db:migrate
bin/rails s

Navigate to: http://localhost:3000/ and click on "New book", fill out the form with valid/invalid data.


  • could the js form submission include an additional field in formData to indicate which field is being validated, and the server side validation controller only validates that field?
  • would it make sense to wrap each form field error message in a turbo frame tag and replace only the individual field?
  • possible to detect "dirty" fields and only validate those?
  • validate published_at is not more than 100 years in the past and not in the future
  • tidy up form error styling so its more clear what error message belongs to which field
  • style: maintain red error border even when field is focused
  • remove association to author and just make it author name to keep things focused on validation
  • automated testing for stimulus controllers? has to be system test or could do unit testing? Any insight in guide: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html?
  • auto refresh and/or HMR for stimulus js controller changes?
  • annotate js controller code and erb with explanations

Dev Notes

Multiple actions on dom element for stimulus js:

<%= form.text_field :title, data: { action: "blur->form-validation#handleChange focus->form-validation#handleFocus" } %>

Can't use blur event because it creates infinite loop with focus/select code that puts user's cursor back where they were typing. This triggers another blur which fires the handler again.

<%= form.text_area :description, data: { action: "blur->form-validation#handleChange" } %>

Using simple.css

Add lodash for import map:

bin/importmap pin lodash
bin/rails generate scaffold author name:string bio:text
bin/rails generate scaffold book title:string description:text published_at:date author:references

Model data types:


You can also consider `references` as a kind of type. For instance, if you run:
bin/rails generate model photo title:string album:references

Generate a StimulusJS controller:

bin/rails g stimulus form_validation


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

Ruby version

See .ruby-version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...