
Learning Backbone and Marionette with Pluralsight

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Marionette Fundamentals

Learning Backbone and Marionette with Pluralsight course


  • Marionette "controllers" aren't really controllers, they're just a place to put rendering logic.
  • Backbone is event driven system, better to emit events and have other things such as views to subscribe/react to those events
  • Even though Marionette has a router, its going to be deprecated, use Backbone's router instead
  • Router should not tell controller what to do, use events instead
  • Marionette standard to name events separated by colon
  • Marionette.ItemView.extend must specify a template
  • Marionette.CollectionView.extend must specify a childView
  • app initializer runs when start is called
  • Marionette collection event has reset/sync event bound so it automatically re-renders when its data changes

Code Organization

  • Create a directory for every concern, eg: user, breadcrumb etc.
  • By convention, each directory should have an index.js file that represents the start of the module
  • Even though Marionette has a module system, don't use it
  • Use multiple routers, one per concern, to avoid one big app router

Computed Properties

When view renders, it takes model that gets passed in and just converts to json. If there are functions on the model (eg: getFullName()), that will not be part of the json.

Backbone solution is to implement the parse function on the Backbone Model to add the property. Then it can be used in a template.

parse function on model is executed by Backbone whenever a model is instantiated wiht data.

As an alternate, can also put some code directly in the template, for example to format a date for display:

Instead of:


Use moment as a global:

<td><%=moment(lastUpdated, 'YYYYMMDD').fromNow()%></td>


Like for regular views, need to create a template, a view, and trigger event to display the sub-view.


To add a new feature to an app using Marionette/Backbone:

  • Create a Model and Template for the feature
  • Create an ItemView (or a Collection and ItemView)
  • Create a Route which triggers an event
  • Create a Controller which implements the rendering
  • Create an application event hanlder which calls the Controller or Module


  • Often when things don't work, just get nothing rendered, with no error in console, difficult to debug
  • For routing, constantly have to manually test UI via navigation and refreshing browser (just because it works via navigation does not necessarily mean it works via refresh, have to think about each scenario)
  • Sometimes events are registered on Models, sometimes on Views, which one is best when?
  • How to determine which model is associated with a view, especially when collections are involved
  • Instructor prefers many levels of indirection via events, does this get difficult to trace through flow of the app?
  • Debate on where to fetch data needed by a view, in router? not answered in course
  • Overall need to write much more code to implement any given feature, compared to Angular or Ember