
A application to share texts and snippets.

Primary LanguageGo


A application to share texts and snippets.

Project Structure

Creating local DB

  1. Start the DB container executing docke-compose up -d;
  2. Create the database executing the script in db/create-db.sql;
  3. Create the application user executing the script in db/create-user.sql (user: web | password: password);
  4. Populate the db executing the script in db/seed.sql

Running application

See all application configurations: go run ./cmd/web -help


  1. Starting DB: docker-compose up -d;
  2. Fetch dependencies: go mod download
  3. Starting the web server: go run ./cmd/web

Useful Go commands often used

  • Download dependencies: go mod download
  • Remove all unused packages in go.mod and go.sum: go mod tidy
  • Verify is downloaded packages wasn't modified unexpectedly: go mod verify
  • Adding dependency with the latest release for the major version v1: go get github.com/foo/bar@v1
  • Adding dependency with the specific version: go get github.com/foo/bar@v1.2.3
  • Upgrading to the latest minor or patch release: go get -u github.com/foo/bar
  • Upgrading to specific version: go get -u github.com/foo/bar@v2.0.0