
This is a experimental repository to utilize the message bird sdk and api

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a experimental repository to utilize the message bird sdk and api

Installation without Docker

php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php
php composer.phar install --prefer-dist -o

Set environment variable APPLICATION_ENV = 'development'
Change the API key in: config/development.php __your_key_here__

Installation with Docker

php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php
docker-compose build php
docker-compose run php php composer.phar install --prefer-dist -o

Change the API key in: config/development.php __your_key_here__


  • php 7.2
  • ext-mbstring
  • ext-curl
  • ext-sysvmsg

3rd party libraries

  • phpunit/phpunit
  • messagebird/php-rest-api

Running Application

First of all, we will run the sender service.

docker exec -it message-bird-web php console/sender.php

With the sender service running, you can start send messages:

# start the web service
docker-compose up -d

# short messages
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/' -F 'recipients=5551996723064' -F 'body=Lorem ipsum'

# or long messages
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/' -F 'recipients=5551996723064' -F 'body=Lorem ipsum \
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat ipsum ea molestiae cum esse voluptates \
mollitia perferendis rerum! Voluptatum ratione, reiciendis officiis perferendis id tempore! \
Quia veritatis fuga eligendi similique.'

# or many recips 
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/' \
-F 'recipients[0]=5551996723064' \
-F 'recipients[1]=5551996723064' \
-F 'body=Lorem ipsum'


docker exec -it message-bird-web php vendor/bin/phpunit

Coverage will be storaged in tests/_reports