
Documents WordPress Classic Editor integration points and their Gutenberg equivalents

Gutenberg Migration Guide

This repository documents WordPress Classic Editor customization points and their Gutenberg equivalents (if such exist). Its goal is to help WordPress developers update their plugins and themes for Gutenberg compatibility.

This README.md provides an overview to all impacted hooks (actions and filters) and TinyMCE features. Each item then has an extended document with an overview, examples of existing usage, and documentation for its Gutenberg equivalent (if any).

For the full history, see WordPress/gutenberg#4151. Please open an issue to suggest new hooks, usage examples, or other ideas for improvement.

Sections: Actions & Filters | Core Features | TinyMCE

Actions & Filters

This table documents the most common actions and filters within the Classic Editor, and whether they still exist or have direct Gutenberg equivalents.

Action / Filter Still Exists? Gutenberg Equivalent? Learn More
default_excerpt Yes (GB 4.1) N/A
default_content Yes (GB 4.1) N/A
default_title Yes (GB 4.1) N/A
edit_form_top No None Edit Form Actions
edit_form_after_title No None Edit Form Actions
edit_form_before_permalink No None Edit Form Actions
edit_form_after_editor No None Edit Form Actions
enter_title_here Yes N/A
write_your_story Yes N/A
post_updated_messages No No Post Updated Messages Filter
media_buttons No Block Inserter Media Buttons
post_submitbox_minor_actions No None Post Submitbox Actions
post_submitbox_misc_actions No None Post Submitbox Actions
post_submitbox_start No None Post Submitbox Actions
default_page_template_title Yes N/A
page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args No None Dropdown Pages Args Filters
quick_edit_dropdown_pages_args No None Dropdown Pages Args Filters
admin_post_thumbnail_html No editor.PostFeaturedImage Post Thumbnail HTML Filter
admin_post_thumbnail_size No editor.PostFeaturedImage.imageSize Post Thumbnail Size Filter
mce_css No Enqueue Stylesheet MCE CSS Filter
image_send_to_editor No None Image Send To Editor Filter
post_gallery No None Post Gallery Filter

Core Features

This table documents common features within the Classic Editor, and whether they still exist or have direct Gutenberg equivalents.

Feature Still Exists? Gutenberg Equivalent? Learn More
Editor Stylesheets No Enqueue Stylesheet Editor Stylesheets
Custom Post Statuses No None Custom Post Statuses
Custom Fields Metabox No None Custom Fields Metabox
Media Tabs No None Media Tabs
Post Type Supports Yes N/A Post Type Supports
Screen Options No None Screen Options


This table documents common TinyMCE customizations and whether they have direct Gutenberg equivalents.

Customization Still Exists? Gutenberg Equivalent? Learn More
dom.DOMUtils No None TinyMCE dom.DOMUTils
Editor No None TinyMCE Editor
mce_buttons Yes N/A TinyMCE Filters
mce_buttons_2 Yes N/A TinyMCE Filters
mce_buttons_3 Yes N/A TinyMCE Filters
mce_buttons_4 Yes N/A TinyMCE Filters
style_formats Partially N/A TinyMCE Style Formats
tiny_mce_before_init Yes N/A TinyMCE Filters
tiny_mce_plugins Yes N/A TinyMCE Filters
tiny_mce_external_plugins Yes N/A TinyMCE Filters
Toolbar Button No None TinyMCE Toolbar Button