
Eslint plugin to disallow arithmetic.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ESLint plugin containing a rule for detecting arithmetic in JavaScript source. Floating-point math can lead to imprecise results, so this plugin directs users to float-safe alternative helper methods.


Add the following to your eslint config:

  plugins: [
    // ...
    // ...
  rules: {
    "@vertical-made/no-arithmetic/no-arithmetic": "error",
    // ...

Or with a custom alternative suggestion:

  plugins: [
    // ...
    // ...
  rules: {
    "@vertical-made/no-arithmetic/no-arithmetic": [
      { message: "use the `floatSafe*` helpers in myUtils.js" }
    // ...



Sets the hint message.

type: string

default: "use float-safe alternatives"


When enabled, does not error on operations that look like an increment / decrement. We define this as the right-hand value of a binary + / - operation being the literal value 1.

type: boolean

default: true