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Bootstrapping a webpack repo

  • npm init -y
  • First let's setup up auto-formatting our code for consistency. Run npm i -D husky prettier pretty-quick
  • I prefer Prettier over other options explicitly because it works very well without any configuration. However if you are particular about tab sizes, etc., you might want a .prettierrc file a la:
    • {
        "trailingComma": "es5",
        "tabWidth": 2,
        "singleQuote": true
  • You may wish to install the Prettier extension and enable "format on save" or other IDE workspace specific settings. If so, install the extension. Then, code .vscode/settings.json and enter something like:
    • {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true
  • Next, our testing framework: npm i -D jest
  • Add test scripts to package.json:
    • "scripts": {
        "test": "npm run test:unit && npm run test:integration",
        "test:unit": "npx jest src/**/*.test.js",
        "test:integration": "npx jest src/**/*.spec.js"
  • Now that we have a tests and formatting, let's add git hooks to automate them. Add the following to package.json:
    • {
        // rest of package.json above
        "husky": {
        "hooks": {
          "pre-commit": "npx pretty-quick --staged",
          "pre-push": "npm run test"
  • Now let's get our webpack setup running. First our dependencies: npm i -D webpack webpack-cli npm-run-all
  • Let's create our webpack config. This goes in the project root. First, prod: webpack.config.js:
    • const path = require('path');
      const webpack = require('webpack');
      // note that this webpack config is an array
      // if you want another app to be built, you can simply add another object to the array
      module.exports = [
          target: 'node',
          entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/api/index.js'),
          output: {
            filename: 'main.js',
            path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/api'),
          resolve: {
            // this gives us some magic aliases we can use like absolute paths
            // `import db from '@lib/db'` instead of `import db from '../../../lib/db'`
            // it doesn't need an @ but I personally like it as a convention to help remember it is an alias
            alias: {
              '@lib': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/lib'),
          // this is needed to fix a stupid bug with a restify dependency: https://github.com/node-formidable/node-formidable/issues/337
          plugins: [new webpack.DefinePlugin({    'global.GENTLY': false })],
          mode: 'production',
  • Next, we add the dev config in webpack.dev.config.js. This is the same as prod with the following changes:
    • {
        // above here the config is same as prod
        mode: 'development',
  • Next, add our build and run scripts.
    • "scripts": {
        // other scripts above here
        "build": "npx webpack --config webpack.config.js",
        "build:dev": "npx webpack --config webpack.dev.config.js",
        "watch:dev": "npx webpack --watch --config webpack.dev.config.js",
        "start:api": "node dist/api/main/js",
        // note that I am using npm-run-all with the parallel flag
        // this would allow you to run multiple webpacked apps in parallel
        // e.g. an api server and a static webserver
        // simply by adding a new script and appending its name to the end of `start:dev` script
        "start:dev": "npm run watch:dev && npx npm-run-all --parallel start:api"
  • So what have we accomplished? Well:
    • We have a Webpack setup that can build any number of applications, simply by appending a config object to the webpack.config.js files
    • We can run these applications in parallel with npm-run-all with npm run start:dev
    • Before we commit, our code is automatically formatted with pretty-quick.
    • Before we push to remote, our test suites must run and pass.
  • TODO:
    • Write simple restify API server and document
    • Document dotenv
    • Write simple utils module to demo aliasing and document
    • Write unit tests for API server and document
    • Write simple DB wrapper and document
    • Add simple unit tests to DB wrapper and document
    • Add simple integration tests for API server <-> DB and document
    • Add a static webserver to webpack setup and document
    • Add a webpack-dev-server setup for static webserver
    • Add a docker-compose setup?
    • Add some git stuff to showcase the hooks?