Tiled for Teaching

Below I use podman and podman-compose, but docker and docker-compose should work identically.

One-time setup

git clone https://github.com/danielballan/tiled-for-teaching
cd tiled-for-teaching
cp env.example env

# TODO Make this initialize automatically if needed...
podman run -v ./storage:/storage ghcr.io/bluesky/tiled:v0.1.0a108 tiled admin initialize-database sqlite+aiosqlite:////storage/authn.db

Generate secret, using for example

openssl rand -hex 32

and copy this into env where indicated.

Go to https://orcid.org/developer-tools and register an application. Copy the client ID and client secret into env.

In config/config.yml, find this section and enter authorized ORCIDs.

  # List ORCIDs of users who will distribute (write) data.
  - ...
  # List ORCIDs of users who will consume (read) data.
  - ...

Launch Tiled

source env
podman-compose up