
Wrap any script as a macOS app.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Wrap any script as a macOS app.

wrapp script.* [--options]

Option Long Description Default
-h --help Print brief usage information.
-v --version Print running version info.
-n --name Specify a name for the app. Capitalised base name of script.
-o --output Specify an output folder. Script folder.
-i --icon Specify a custom icon. *.(icns|png) in script folder.
-t --trash Trash original script. false


wrapp script.sh # Script.app
wrapp script.* --name "App Title" --icon icon/*.icns # App Title.app


with Homebrew:

brew tap max-os/install #wrapp
brew install wrapp

or npm install --global max-os/wrapp. This tiny command line tool does not require node or npm, but can be included as a dependency:

// package.json
"dependencies": {
  "wrapp": "max-os/wrapp"

Part of maxOS.


MIT © Daniel Bayley