
Simplify your Ecto validation tests

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


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Simplify your Ecto model validation tests. Loosely inspired by shoulda matchers, but simpler.


Jose Valim, creator of Elixir, has outlined a better approach to this problem here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elixir-lang-talk/kwLLyCiarls

Go check it out.


defmodule MyApp.UserTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  use Ecto.ValidationCase, model: MyApp.User

  test "requires password to be 10 chars long" do
    rejects "password",    for: :password, message: "too short"
    accepts "password123", for: :password


Rather than create a matching test helper function for each of the valiations that Ecto supports, this library intentionally keeps things simple, providing only accepts/2 and rejects/2. Why?

  • The api very easy to remember, which makes validation tests more likely to be written.
  • The tests are more explicit, with a minimum of magic. It is very clear exactly what values are being tested, for which fields, and which error messages should be returned.


You can install Ecto.ValidationCase from hex. First, change your deps in mix.exs specifying that this is applicable only for the test environment:

def deps do
  [{:ecto_validation_case, ">= 0.1.0", env: :test}]

Then run mix deps.get to install.


Documentation is available on Ecto.ValidationCase's hex page.


MIT. See LICENSE and NOTICE for more details.