What does it do?

Assume all your wordpress/php projects are located within a _Sites folder. Put this repo into the parent directory and execute the steps below. You'll now be able to open http://[SUBDIRNAME].test into your browser and see the contents of _Sites/SUBDIRNAME rendered by php.


Start the docker container

  • docker-compose up this exposes php-apache via port 8056, the db contents are stored within the ./db folder. This makes it very easy to migrate the database from one machine to another by just copying file contents.

Setup dnsmasq

  • brew install dnsmasq

  • sudo mkdir /etc/resolver

  • sudo sh -c 'echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolver/test'

  • sudo sh -c 'echo "search_order 1" >> /etc/resolver/test'

  • sudo brew services start dnsmasq

  • cd $(brew --prefix)

  • echo 'address=/test/' >> etc/dnsmasq.conf

  • sudo brew services start dnsmasq

  • Restart the machine 😒 (or maybe dscacheutil -flushcache works?)

If there's a 5s delay before resolving local domains, add as the first entry into the DNS Servers within your Network settings

Now [anydomain].test will be forwarded to localhost.

Setup caddy

  • brew install caddy
  • create a /usr/local/etc/Caddyfile with these contents
    http://*.test {
  • brew services start caddy

Now [anydomain].test will be forwarded to [anydomain].test:8056 where the docker container above will be awaiting.