
My environment configuration

Primary LanguageVim script


This repo was originally forked from https://github.com/square/maximum-awesome. I have since included a lot of additions and modifications.

What's in it?


  • ,d brings up NERDTree, a sidebar buffer for navigating and manipulating files
  • ,t brings up ctrlp.vim, a project file filter for easily opening specific files
  • ,b restricts ctrlp.vim to open buffers
  • ,a starts project search with ag.vim using the silver searcher (like ack, but faster)
  • ds/cs delete/change surrounding characters (e.g. "Hey!" + ds" = Hey!, "Hey!" + cs"' = 'Hey!') with vim-surround
  • \\\ toggles current line comment
  • \\ toggles visual selection comment lines
  • vii/vai visually select in or around the cursor's indent
  • ,[space] strips trailing whitespace
  • <C-]> jump to definition using ctags
  • ,l begins aligning lines on a string, usually used as ,l= to align assignments
  • <C-hjkl> move between windows, shorthand for <C-w> hjkl


  • mouse scroll initiates tmux scroll
  • prefix v makes a vertical split
  • prefix s makes a horizontal split

If you have three or more panes:

  • prefix + opens up the main-horizontal-layout
  • prefix = opens up the main-vertical-layout

You can adjust the size of the smaller panes in tmux.conf by lowering or increasing the other-pane-height and other-pane-width options.



Note: Some of the .zshrc config expects you to have oh-my-zsh installed. So either install it, or remove the oh-my-zsh specific configurations from the zshrc file.

Additional Notes

There is a set of base16 compatible Iterm2 colorschemes in the iterm2-colors directory.

You can see/set my OS X defaults by inspecting/running the osx script.