Turborepo Project Template with NestJS, PostgreSQL, Prisma ORM, Redis, and Next.js

This template provides a comprehensive starting point for a full-stack application using the following technologies:

Deploy on Railway

  • Turborepo: A high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases, enabling efficient management of monorepos.
  • NestJS: A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.
  • PostgreSQL: A powerful, open-source object-relational database system.
  • Prisma ORM: A modern database toolkit for TypeScript and Node.js, making database access easy with an auto-generated query builder.
  • Redis: An in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • Next.js: A React framework for building fast and user-friendly static websites and web applications.

Project Structure

This template is organized into a monorepo structure using Turborepo, with the following main components:

  • api: A NestJS-based API that connects to a PostgreSQL database using Prisma ORM. It also integrates Redis for caching.
  • web: A Next.js frontend application that connects to the API.


  • Efficient Monorepo Management: Utilizing Turborepo for streamlined development and deployment processes across multiple applications and libraries.
  • Scalable API: Built with NestJS, providing a modular and maintainable architecture.
  • Robust Database Management: PostgreSQL as the database, managed through Prisma ORM for type-safe database access.
  • Caching with Redis: Improve performance and reduce database load by caching frequently accessed data.
  • Modern Frontend: A Next.js frontend that interacts seamlessly with the NestJS API, offering a fast and responsive user experience.

Getting Started

To use this template, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone git@github.com:GRoobArt/Railway-Monorepo-Next-Nest.git
  1. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies.
cd $_
npm install
  1. Set Up Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and configure the necessary environment variables for PostgreSQL, Redis, and any other services.
  2. Run the Project: Start the development servers for both the API and the frontend.
npm run dev
  1. Deploy on Railway: Follow the Railway deployment instructions to deploy your project.


Railway provides a seamless deployment process. Ensure your environment variables are set in the Railway project settings. Use the following commands to deploy your applications:

  1. Deploy API: railway up -s api
  2. Deploy Frontend: railway up -s web