Create aggregations to use in mongoose with query params, based in query parser of json-server
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const processQuery = require("aggregation-from-query");
const BookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
publishDate: Date,
price: Number,
categories: [String]
const Book = mongoose.model("Book", BookSchema);
processQuery(Book.schema, {
publishDate_gte: "2020-03-01",
publishDate_lte: "2020-07-01",
title_regexi: "story",
price_lt: 100,
_sort: "price",
_order: "1",
_select: "title,price",
_limit: 10
$match: {
title: {
$regex: "story",
$options: "i"
$match: {
publishDate: {
$gte: "2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z"
$match: {
publishDate: {
$lte: "2020-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"
$match: {
price: {
$lt: 100
$sort: {
price: 1
$limit: 10
$project: {
title: 1,
price: 1
- Less then
- {attribute}_lt
- Less or equal then
- {attribute}_lte
- Granter then
- {attribute}_gt
- Granter or equal then
- {attribute}_gte
- Equal
- {attribute}_eq
- Not equal
- {attribute}_ne
- Array include
- {attribute}_in
- Array not include
- {attribute}_nin
- Regex
- {attribute}_regex
- Regex with ignore case
- {attribute}_regexi
- Sort by (separeted by comma ',')
- _sort
- _order
- Select (separeted by comma ',') and Non Select (started with '-')
- _select
- Limits and ranges
- _start
- _end
- _page
- _limit
- Full text search (attempt, use with caution)
- q