
Primary LanguageJava


  • 1000: Hello World!
  • 1001: Sum of 2 numbers
  • 1002: Area of the circle
  • 1003: Sum of 2 numbers
  • 1004: Product of 2 numbers
  • 1005: Arithmetical average of 2 numbers
  • 1006: Arithmetical average of 3 numbers
  • 1007: Math with 4 numbers
  • 1008: Salary measure
  • 1009: Salary with sales measure
  • 1010: Product sum
  • 1011: Sphere volume
  • 1012: Triangle, circle, trapeze, square, rectangle area
  • 1013: The Greatest
  • 1014: Consumption
  • [1015]: Point distance
  • 1016: Kilometers difference in minutes
  • 1017: Fuel Spent
  • [1018]: Money distribution
  • 1019: Hour format
  • 1020: Date format
  • [1021]: Money distribution with cents ...
  • 1023: Drought ...
  • 1025: Where is the Marble? ...
  • [1029]: Fibonacci sequence calls count ...
  • 1035: Comparison with 4 numbers
  • 1036: Roots of Quadratic Equation with Baskhara
  • 1037: Range description
  • 1038: Snack ...
  • 1040: Average 3
  • 1041: Coordinates of a Point
  • [1042]: Sort 3 values
  • 1043: Triangle & Trapezium
  • 1044: Multiples ...
  • 1046: Game Time
  • 1047: Game Time with Minutes
  • 1048: Salary Increase
  • [1049]: Species map
  • 1050: DDD
  • 1051: Taxes
  • 1052: Months ...
  • 1059: Even numbers
  • 1060: Positive numbers
  • [1061]: Event format ...
  • 1064: Positives and Average
  • 1065: Even Count
  • 1066: Even, Odd, Positive and Negative Counts
  • 1067: Odd Numbers
  • 1068: Parenthesis Balance I ...
  • 1070: Odd count ...
  • [1071]: Sum of Consecutive Odd Numbers
  • 1072: Count between 10 and 20
  • 1073: Even Square ...
  • 1075: Remaining 2 ...
  • 1077: Infix to Posfix
  • 1078: Times tables
  • 1079: Weighted Averages ...
  • [1089]: Musical Loop ...
  • [1094]: Expriments Stats
  • 1095: Sequence I & J
  • 1096: Sequence I & J
  • 1097: Sequence I & J
  • 1098: Sequence I & J
  • 1099: Sum of Consecutive Odd Numbers || ...
  • 1101: Sequence Sum & Show ...
  • 1113: Ascending and Descending
  • 1114: Fixed Password
  • 1115: Quadrant
  • 1116: Dividing X by Y
  • 1117: Score Validation
  • 1118: Several Scores with Validation ...
  • 1129: Optical Reader ...
  • 1131: Grenais
  • 1132: Multiples of 13
  • 1133: Rest of a Division
  • 1134: Type of Fuel ...
  • 1142: PUM
  • 1143: Squared and Cubic
  • 1144: Logical Sequence
  • 1145: Logical Sequence 2
  • 1146: Growing Sequence
  • 1147: Knight Scape ...
  • 1149: Summing Consecutive Integers
  • 1150: Exceeding Z
  • 1151: Easy Fibonicci ...
  • 1153: Simple Factorial
  • 1154: Average of ages
  • 1155: S Sequence
  • 1156: S Sequence II
  • 1157: Divisors I
  • 1158: Sum of Consecutive Odd Numbers III
  • 1159: Sum of Consecutive Even Numbers ...
  • 1164: Perfect number
  • 1165: Prime Number ...
  • 1168: Count leds ...
  • 1172: Array Replacement I
  • 1173: Array fill I
  • 1174: Array Selection I
  • 1175: Reverse 20 values
  • 1176: Fibonacci Array
  • 1177: Array Fill II
  • 1178: Array Fill III
  • 1179: Array Fill IV
  • 1180: Lowest Number and Position
  • 1181: Line in Array
  • 1182: Column in Array
  • 1183: Above the Main Diagonal
  • 1184: Below the Main Diagonal
  • 1185: Above the Secundary Diagonal
  • 1186: Bellow the Secundary Diagonal
  • 1187: Top Area
  • 1188: Inferior Area
  • 1189: Left Area
  • 1190: Right Area ...
  • 1195: BST I ...
  • 1200: BST Ops ...
  • 1234: Dancing Sentence
  • 1235: Middle String ...
  • 1238: Intercalate String ...
  • 1241: Fit or not fit ...
  • 1254: Tag Replacement
  • 1255: Letter Frequency ...
  • 1257: Array Hash ...
  • 1267: Pascal Library ...
  • 1435: Square Matrix I ...
  • 1478: Square Matrix II ...
  • 1534: Array 123 ...
  • 1541: Building House ...
  • 1557: Square Matrix III ...
  • 1564: Brazil World Cup ...
  • 1589: Bob Conduit ...
  • 1759: Ho Ho Ho ...
  • 1779: The Race of Slugs ...
  • 1805: Natural Sum ...
  • 1827: Square Array IV
  • [1828]: Bazinga ! ...
  • 1837: Preface ...
  • 1847: Welcome to the Winter!
  • 1848: Counting Crow ...
  • 1858: Theon's Answer ...
  • 1864: Our Days Are Never Coming Back
  • 1865: Mjölnir
  • 1866: Bill ...
  • 1914: Whose Turn Is It? ...
  • 1924: Vitória and Her Indecision ...
  • 1930: Electrical Outlet ...
  • 1933: Tri-du ...
  • 1957: Converting to Hexadecimal
  • 1958: Scientific Notation
  • 1959: Regular Simple Polygons
  • [1960]: Roman Numerals for Page Numbers
  • 1961: Jumping Frog
  • 1962: A Long, Long Time Ago
  • 1963: The Motion Picture ...
  • 1973: Star Trek ...
  • 2006: Identifying Tea ...
  • 2028 - Sequence of Sequence ...
  • 2031 - Rock, Paper, Airstrike ...
  • 2174: Pomekon Collection ...
  • 2311: Diving ...
  • 2334 - Little Ducks ...
  • 2378: Elevator ...
  • 2510: Batmain ...
  • 2602: Basic Select
  • 2603: Customer Address
  • 2604: Under 10 or Greater Than 100
  • 2605: Executive Representatives
  • 2606: Categories
  • 2607: Providers's City in Alphabetical Order
  • 2608: Higher and Lower Price
  • 2609: Products by Categories ...
  • 2621: Amounts Between 10 and 20 ...
  • 2685: The Change ...
  • 2747: Output 1 ...
  • 2764: Date Input and Output ...
  • 2807: Reversed fibonacci (Iccanobif) ...
  • 2846: Fibonot ...
  • [2906]: Database of Clients ...
  • 2954: The Game ...
  • 3001: Update without where ...
  • 3047: A idade de Dona Mônica ...
  • [3053]: Jogo dos Copos ...
  • 3091: Rest 1.0 ...
  • [3135]: Name Lists ...
  • 3170: Christmas balls ...
  • 3302: Correct Answer
  • 3303: Big/Small word ...
  • 3342: Keanu