
Chirper for Made Tech Core Skills

Primary LanguageRuby


A super simple file based "Popular Microblogging Website" clone


  • get /timeline
    • Returns all the Chirps
    • Example response: [{id: 1, username: 'Foo', body: 'Bar', favourites: 10}]
  • post /create-chirp
    • Creates a new Chirp
    • Example request: {username: 'Foo', body: 'Bar'}
  • favourite /favourite
    • Favourites a chirp
    • Example request: {id: 10}

Developing Chirper


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Run the tests

make test


make serve

This runs the Chirper API on port 4567

The chirp file will be prepopulated with the following Chirps:

    "id": 0,
    "username": "Cats4Lyf",
    "body": "Cats are great",
    "favourites": 0
    "id": 1,
    "username": "Dogs4Eva",
    "body": "All dogs are good dogs",
    "favourites": 0