CampusConnect Project


The CampusConnect project aims to improve student engagement and make university events more accessible within the African Leadership University (ALU) community. To tackle these challenges, we are creating a user-friendly web application called CampusConnect, designed specifically for ALU students. The application will provide real-time updates on events and simplify access to event details, such as eligibility criteria and registration information. CampusConnect aims to foster a sense of community and active participation, targeting the diverse student body at ALU. The anticipated outcomes include increased student engagement, enhanced event participation, and a stronger sense of community.

Project Goals and Objectives

  1. Enhance student engagement and event accessibility at ALU with a centralized platform.
  2. Develop a user-friendly web application, CampusConnect, tailored for ALU students.
  3. Provide real-time updates on ongoing and upcoming campus events.
  4. Streamline the process of accessing event information, including eligibility criteria and registration details.
  5. Enable students to join clubs and access information about club activities and opportunities.
  6. Facilitate communication between students and faculty members by providing updates from different faculties.
  7. Foster a sense of community and networking among ALU students.
  8. Allow students to upload and share information about extra activities, events, and opportunities.
  9. Improve student participation in campus activities.
  10. Continuously enhance the student experience and application functionality through user feedback and analytics.


The project will deliver the following essential items:

  • Home Page: Overview of ALU, project purpose, team introduction, and contact information.

  • Event Management System: Real-time updates on campus events, event details, and event registration.

  • Clubs Section: List of available clubs, details on joining and participation.

  • Student Uploads/Posts: Functionality for sharing information about extra activities, events, and opportunities.

Scope Boundaries

The project scope includes the design, development, and deployment of the website. The opportunities section may be considered a stretch goal.

Team members

  • Daniel Burongu
  • Mourice Onyonyi
  • Moussa Moustpha
  • David Mazimpaka
  • Long Maker Long Deng
  • Erica Nshimirimana

Note: This README is a work in progress and subject to change as the project evolves. For the latest updates and developments, please refer to the GitHub repository.