
A static website generator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Zorn - a static website generator with personality

Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT

Zorn generates static websites. It's mostly a python package, but its power can be combined with Gulp in order to further automate your workflow. It supports:

  • markdown content,
  • one level of page nesting in navigation,
  • Jinja templates,
  • Sass.

Zorn takes a lot of decisions for you. A zorn project comes out-of-the box with the capability of generating pages out of markdown files and a few settings. It also comes with a pre-configured Gulpfile to help with the generation of html and css.

Quick start

  • Install zorn using pip by running pip install git+git://github.com/xassbit/zorn.git@master.
  • Once installed, navigate to the directory where you want to locate your project and run zorn. You will be led through the creation of a new project.

Page blocks

A canonical zorn page has four blocks: header, navigation, body and footer.
The header and footer blocks is the same for all pages and include the site title, subtitle and author.
The navigation block includes links to all pages. Zorn adds the class active to the link to the page you are looking at to help styling.
The body block takes the html rendered from the markdown file for that page.
There is a fifth block called head wich contains meta-information about the page.

File structure

A canonical zorn project has the following structure:

    |   |_index.md
    |   |_(other pages).md
    |   |_ _header.scss
    |   |_ _nav.scss
    |   |_ _settings.scss
    |   |_main.scss
    |   |_(node modules)
    |_(other pages).html

where my_project is the name of your project.


Zorn allows for pages to be nested as subpages. Subpages show as dropdown under their parent on the navigation menu. Also if the setting URL_STYLE is set to 'nested', they are generated into a folder with the name of their parent.

Markdown content

The md folder is where you can drop markdown files with the content of the website's pages. These files should be named with the name of the page they relate to. For example, the content for index.html should be in the index.md file. Not all pages need an associated .md file and .md files for which there is no associated page are ignored when generating the website.


When creating a zorn project by running zorn you can choose a default style. This will be imported to your project's directory. The default style is "basic". The stylesheets for the website are generated from Sass files with Gulp. The file main.scss just imports the other .scss files. The file settings.scss has the main style settings, like colors and fonts.

Command line

By default the project comes equiped with a package.json file, which is used to install Gulp once run npm install. Gulp runs taks defined in gulpfile.js. Running gulp generates the css and html files. Running gulp watch has Gulp watching for changes in the .scss and .md files as well as settings.py and re-generate the site when this files are modified and saved.

You can interact with zorn in two ways. In order to create a project just invoke zorn from the command line by running zorn. This command can take some arguments:

  • -v or --verbose - make zorn talk more;
  • -s or --silent - silence zorn (when this setting is on and a name was given, the project will be generated without prompting you once);
  • -n or --name - pass the name you want to give your project (the project is created in a new directory with this name);
  • -t or --title - pass the title of your site;
  • -a or --author - pass the name of the author of your site;
  • --style - choose one of the available styles for your site;
  • -g or --g - add this flag if you want to generate the site after the creation process.

After a project was created, you can manage it by interacting with zorn through admin.py. Here is a list of commands (all should be appended to python admin.py when run from your project's root directory):

  • generate - generates the website;
  • importtemplates - imports the templates locally (to your project's directory). Pass the flag -u or -update to update the settings file;
  • importstyle:a_style where a_style is one of the available styles - imports a style to the root directory of your project, i.e., creates a directory with the name of the style and the original Sass files of that style;
  • --help - lists all available commands.

These flags can also be appended:

  • -v or --verbose - make zorn talk more;
  • -s or --silent - silence zorn.


Here is a list of the available settings for a zorn project.

Non-optional settings

  • ROOT_DIR - the root of your project, which should be os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).
  • PROJECT_NAME - the name of your project.

Optional settings

  • DEBUG - a boolean which states if you are on not in debug mode. By default it's True.

When in debug mode, the stylesheet used is main.css and the routes to pages point to files in your file system (they look like ../a-page/a-sub-page.html). If debug mode is disabled, the stylesheet used is the minified one (main.min.css) and routes are relative to your site's root url (they look like /a-page/a-sub-page).

When False the minified CSS is used.

  • URL_STYLE - can be 'flat' or 'nested'. If the former is chosen then all html files are generated in your root directory. If nested the subpages are generated into a folder with the name of their parent. This allows for urls like domain/page/subpage
  • SITE_DIR - the directory where your site will be generated. ROOT_DIR by default. Note: the stylesheets location may have to be updated in the gulpfile (for example, .pipe(gulp.dest('site'));).
  • TEMPLATES_DIR - in case you have your templates directory locally on the project's root then pass here its path.
  • MARKDOWN_DIR - the directory of you markdown content. By default it's os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'md')
  • MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS - the extensions to the markdown parser.
  • SITE_TITLE - the title of your site. By default it's the project name capitalized and with hiphens and underscores replaced by spaces.
  • SITE_SUBTITLE - the subtitle of your website, blank by default.
  • DESCRIPTION - the description of your site, which is used in the head block.
  • AUTHOR - the site's author, by default it's the terminal user.
  • KEYWORDS - a list of keywords to your site, which are used in the head block.


Registed the pages of your website as a list of zorn.elements.Page objects under the setting PAGES. If you want some nesting then register the subpages as a list of zorn.elements.SubPage objects under the parent page. If you want to generate a page which doesn't feature in the top navigation, register it as an UnlinkedPage. The first argument of a Page or SubPage is the page's title and the second argument is a string which is going to be used to name the page's files (html and md). An UnlinkedPage takes as a third argument the pieces of its path. The order the pages appear in the navigation is taken from the order of pages in these lists. Example:

    # main pages
    elements.Page('Home', 'index'),
    elements.Page('Page 1', 'page1'),
    elements.Page('Page 2', 'page2', [
        # pages nested under Page 2
        elements.SubPage('Sub Page 1', 'subpage1'),
        elements.SubPage('Sub Page 2', 'subpage2'),
    elements.Page('Page 3', 'page3'),
    # creates an unlinked page under the url domain/path/to/unlinked
    elements.UnlinkedPage('Unlinked Page, 'unlinked', ['path', 'to']


You can link from one page of your website to another from the markdown content by using a route tag. This is a tag which starts and ends with @@ and encloses the file name of the page you want to link to (without '.md' or '.html'). For example, considering that you have the following in your website settings:

    elements.Page('Home', 'index'),
    elements.Page('Such a great page', 'great-page', [
        elements.SubPage('Not a bad page either', 'not-bad')

DEBUG = False
URL_STYLE = 'nested'

Then the markdown content ...and you can click [here](@@not-bad@@) to check out a good page... placed in index.md will be converted to

...and you can click <a href="/great-page/not-bad">here</a> to check out a good page...`.

If you wish for the characters @@ to not indicate a route you can escape them with backslashes: \@\@.