
The Beginner’s Guide To Spring Cloud - Ryan Baxter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO3W-lYnw-o

Primary LanguageJava


The Beginner’s Guide To Spring Cloud - Ryan Baxter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO3W-lYnw-o

About The Apps

Name App

The name app will return the value of the name property when making an HTTP GET request to /.

Greeting App

The greetingapp returns a greeting. You can make a GET request to / and it will return Hello. You can also make an HTTP GET and pass a language code to return a greeting for that language. For example a GET to /es would return Hola.

Web App

The web app makes a request to both the greeting and name app to construct the proper greeting when you make a GET to /. By changing the Accept-Language header you can change the language of the greeting returned. For example if you set the Accept-Language header to de the greeting returned will be Hallo Ryan.


  • start eureka, configserver, zipkin from config directory i.e.
    • cd to config dir, then run:
      • spring cloud eureka configserver zipkin

Couldn't get zipkin to register with eureka - but didnt matter in overall context