This script is designed to help you convert FireFTP export files into FileZilla Site Manager import files.
On November 14, 2017 moz://a rolled out Firefox 57. Firefox 57 dropped support for legacy extensions. The Firefox version of FireFTP is now considered a legacy extension because the developer has decided not to rewrite the extension as a WebExtension.
I have over 200 unique FTP entries saved in FireFTP. Even though I have all of the credentials stored in various other locations, the time investment to move them to another tool seemed too great. This is a quick and dirty script to aid in converting FireFTP entries into an XML format that can be imported by FileZilla.
I apologize in advance if anything I have done is not very Node-like. This is my first code written in Node. I felt releasing this tool in a timely manner was more important than nailing proper formatting or syntax. I chose Node because the kryptos library that does most of the password work was already written in JavaScript. Rather than rewrite the entire implementation in another language, it seemed most natural to stick with this implementation.
FireFTP stores passwords using a modified Blowfish encryption library that is part of mimecuvalo's javascript port of Paramiko. This implementation includes a comment about attribution that is copied here just in case.
jsBFSH -
a javascript implementation of bruce schneier's blowfish cipher,
by robin leffmann (djinn <at> on 30-mar-2010
optimized further for speed by mime cuvalo (
key, data and iv should all be arrays holding byte-sized values.
the data array will be padded with 0s to fit nearest size of /8.
the iv must be 8 bytes long, or en/decrypt() will return false.
data will be overwritten during both en- and decryption.
it is highly recommended to zero out key, context and iv arrays
after they've been used.
this source code is released under the cc by-nc-sa license,
and comes without any warranties of any kind... :-)
Special addendum from Robin Leffmann, specifically
for the FireFTP and FireSSH projects:
"I don't want to be a hindrance, so I'll gladly make an exception
for FireSSH and FireFTP and hereby grant you permission to use
jsBFSH under a license of your choice that accommodates these
two projects - all I ask is that I'm credited for my work...
you indeed have my permission to _permanently_ re-license your
adapted jsBFSH under whatever license you feel is appropriate,
not just limited to your Fire* projects."
Thus, under this project, this code is alternatively licensed under
the cc-by-sa license just so all you legal-minded folks can rest easy at night :)
See this bug for discussion:
Rather than rewrite a new implementation of the encryption algorithms, I decided to port very limited portions of kryptos into this app.
The script decrypts the Blowfish encrypted passwords to plaintext and then base64 encodes them for the FileZilla import format. base64 is not a suitable format for securely encrypting passwords. Online tools and functions built into nearly every programming language make decoding base64 a trivial task. Therefore, it is not recommended that you store the FileZilla import file for any extended period of time. This tool should be used to convert your data and then the intermediate files should be discarded.
- Node JS. Guides for installing Node on various systems can be found here if you do not have it installed.
- A FireFTP export file. The default name for this is usually fireFTPsites.dat. See Additional Considerations below if you were unable to export a file in advance of the Firefox upgrade and need pointers on how to get to a point where you can export from FireFTP.
- This script.
- Basic command line knowledge.
command-line-args can be installed using the command below if I did not package the dependencies correctly.
$ npm install command-line-args --save
- Open a browser that is still capable of running the legacy FireFTP.
- Open a new instance of FireFTP.
- Click the Tools menu item (it is usually located at the far right).
- Choose Export... from the Tools menu.
- Save your FireFTP export .dat file in a location you will remember.
- You may optionally encrypt the passwords in your .dat file with a password. Leave this field blank or choose a password. The conversion script has support for either option.
- Download or clone this project to your local computer.
From the command line:
$ git clone
- Unzip and/or change into the directory.
From the command line:
$ cd AtomicFire
- Run this script.
From the command line:
$ node index.js
Use the command line arguments below.
-i [path to your fireFTPsites.dat file]
or --infile [path to your fireFTPsites.dat file]
Include the full path to your FireFTP export file. If you do not supply the i argument, the script assumes there is a file named fireFTPsites.dat in the same directory as index.js.
-o [path and file name where you want your FileZilla import file to save]
or '--outfile [path and file name where you want your FileZilla import file to save]
Include the full path and desired file name where your FileZilla import XML file will be written. If you do not supply the o argument, the script will write FileZillasites.xml to the same directory as index.js.
If you do not supply the w argument below and the output file already exists, the script will exit instead of overwriting the existing file.
or --overwrite
This option allows the script to overwrite any existing output files that may have the same name and location as the one specified in the arguments.
-p [your password]
or --password [your password]
If you used a password to protect your export from FireFTP you need to specify the p argument with the password used during export. No password is the default, just like the FireFTP export. Any special characters you have used in your password may need escaped on the command line. Use quotes around your password if you have special characters or spaces.
Usage Example:
$ node index.js -i ~/Desktop/fireFTPsites.dat -o ~/Desktop/FileZillasites.xml -w -p "supersecretpassword1 @!"
The resulting output file should be ready for import into FileZilla via the File -> Import... menu.
This tool has potential uses outside my personal reason for creating it. For instance, it would also be useful for any decision to migrate to FileZilla from FireFTP independent of the Firefox updgrade. The tool should work with exports generated from FireFTP installed on Firefox, Waterfox, or any other Firefox derivative that supports legacy Firefox extensions.
This script was written for FireFTP version 2.031 and FileZilla version 3.29.0. Brief research into import and export methods for both tools reveals past differences from current functionality. This script may or may not work with past or future versions of either solution.
Other tools may be capable of importing FileZilla import files in FileZilla's XML format. The output of this script should work for any app or script that accepts these XML files.
In the process of digging through FireFTP export and import source code I saw that it specifies arc4 (RC4) encryption routines in some places. I don't think these are generally used in the current export. It may be legacy code. Thus, there is no support in my script for the arc4 methods.
If you did not backup your FireFTP sites before Firefox automatically installed version 57: Your profile and legacy extensions may still be intact. You may be able to install a Firefox fork such as Waterfox, as recommended by FireFTP's developer. Waterfox has the ability to import data from your Firefox profile. This is how I recovered my site data. Waterfox pulled in my old profile and all of my saved FireFTP sites. From Waterfox I was able to export my FireFTP sites for conversion. See the FireFTP export instructions above if you are unfamiliar with the process.
If Waterfox or another Firefox derivative is unable to load your profile and legacy extensions, a partial file containing your site data may still be available in your old profile directory. More information for finding your profile location can be found at In your profile folder there may be a file named fireFTPsites.dat. This file does not contain any stored password information but it may hold your other site data and credentials still.