
A corporative society app that allows users to save a fixed amount automatically every week, with the money collected by one of the members at the end of each month.

Primary LanguagePython


GitHub Pipenv locked dependency version GitHub Pipenv locked dependency version

A corporative society app that allows users to save a fixed amount automatically every week, with the money collected by one of the members at the end of each month.

API Documentation

The API for this app is documented here: https://bit.ly/esusu-docs

Getting Started

These instructions will get a local copy of the project up and running for development and testing purposes.


  • Git
  • Python (3+)
  • Postgres
  • A Paystack Account


  • Clone repo https://github.com/danielcoker/esusu.git
  • Change into the directory of the project.
  • Run cp .env.example .env to create a copy of the environment variables.
  • Fill in the details of the environment varibles.
  • Run pipenv install to install required packages.
  • Run pipenv shell to activate the virtual env.
  • Run python manage.py migrate to run migrations.
  • Run python manage.py runserver to start the development server.

Create a secret key for the Django app here: https://djecrety.ir/


The applicaton uses pytest for testing.

Run pytest to execute tests.
You can also add --cov to get test coverage report along with the test results.


  • Users can create an account (register/login).

  • Users can create a savings group.

  • Users can search for public groups to join.

  • Users can join groups.

  • Users can see a list of members in their group.

  • Users can view the savings and payment list of their group.

  • Users can add their bank and card details (for savings and receiving payments).

  • The app has endpoints for initiating savings and payments due for a particular day across the app. (These services can be moved into a scheduler.)

Technologies and Services

  • Django REST Framework
  • Posgres
  • Paystack


To contribute to this project:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your contribution.
  • Raise a pull request against the main branch.


Daniel Coker


This project is licensed under the MIT License.