
stay in touch with your friends around the world

Primary LanguageHTML

Small World

you can find the live version of Small World at: https://small-world-friends.herokuapp.com

local setup

  1. lein install
  2. install postgres: https://postgresapp.com (database)
  3. create local postgres db called smallworld-local

local development

  1. run bin/start-dev.sh

    • sets the environment variables
    • starts the server: http://localhost:3001
    • starts the frontend hot-reloading*
    • starts the repl
  2. connect Calva repl in VSCode to the repl running in the terminal   (optional – the previous step starts a repl in your terminal, so this step is just for people who prefer to use the Calva repl instead of the terminal repl)

    • command in VSCode: Calva: Connect to a running REPL server in the project
    • how to reload your code into the repl: Calva: Load Current File and Dependencies
    • how to reload the backend code in the running server: (restart-server)

* if you want to start just the frontend hot-reloading, without the server: lein figwheel. you probably won't use this often, as lein repl starts the frontend hot-reloading as well as the server.

update code running in the repl

you have two options:

  1. reload the entire file into the repl
    • command in VSCode: Calva: load current file and dependencies
    • pros: simpler because it just reloads everything that file needs, so you don't need to worry about it
    • cons: slower
  2. evaluate just the form that you want to update in the code
    • e.g. you can evaluate just the `(defroutes app ...) form if you updated code within
    • pros: faster
    • cons: more likely that you forget to evaluate a dependency that's needed and the whole thing doesn't actually update as you expect

deploy to Heroku

here are the steps that script follows, broken down into separate subscripts:
  1. build a production version

  2. optional: run the jar locally to make sure it works, and open it at http://localhost:8080

  3. deploy the jar to heroku

  4. view heroku logs to check if deployment succeeded


initial designs

🎨 Figma workspace

sql cheatsheet

  • open Heroku Postgres instance in terminal:

    heroku pg:psql postgresql-rigid-43177 --app small-world-friends
  • view all tables:

    select table_name from information_schema.tables
    where  table_schema = 'public';
  • make a user go through welcome flow again:

    update settings
    set    welcome_flow_complete = false
    where  screen_name           = 'devon_dos';
  • get column names of a table:

    select column_name, data_type
    from   information_schema.columns
    where  table_name = 'friends';

    delete from profiles      where request_key = 'devon_dos';
    delete from friends       where request_key = 'devon_dos';
    delete from settings      where screen_name = 'devon_dos';
    delete from access_tokens where request_key = 'devon_dos';