
A Personal Assistant for store automation codes in the database and execute them with associated tags.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Personal Assistant for Linux and Windows in developed. The objective is store automation codes in the database and execute them with associated tags.



See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details



python Jarvis.py help

Result (like):

Hum... Let me try :
     <tag0> <tag1> : i execute the code what it have <tag0> <tag1>.
     record <tag0> <tag1> : i try open editor code and i will record it with tags.
     read <file> <tag0> <tag1> : give me a file and i record with <tag0> <tag1>.
     write <file> <tag0> <tag1> : i save the code in <file>.
     list <tag0> : i try find in my memory <tag0>.
     find <tag0> : i try find in my memory <tag0> and describes.
     copy <base> <tag0> : i copy <tag0> to <base>.
     forget <tag0> : i forget <tag>... I think this.
     <tag0> <tag1> -base=<base> : i execute the code what it have tags from <base>.
     <tag0> <tag1> -display=true : i execute the code using the program display.
     <tag0> <tag1> -program=<program> : i execute the code using other program.
     mybot blablabla. : i will speek with you.

In short, you create a new command (default editor spyder3) with Jarvis.py create tag and then run it with Jarvis.py tag

Chatbot is a command-enabled microservice in default base (it is necessary to install the default base).

python Jarvis.py chatbot -base=services

It use the terminal as flask microservice. Use other terminal to chat like exemple.

python Jarvis.py mybot oi!
python Jarvis.py mybot [learn] Tchau [answer] Bye!
python Jarvis.py mybot Tchau


It has been tested with Python 3.6.8 and Python 3.7.10.


Best practices that I used to maximize application automations will be demonstrated.

For instalation, you will install the requirements in path of Jarvis.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Test application.

python Jarvis.py find

Create default base (bot, services).

python  Jarvis.py readpath DefaultDb

You can create a bat file to make the commands easier. Something like this command.

@echo off
python C:\Jarvis\Jarvis.py %*

Save this file with Jarvis.bat in C:\Windows\System32\ . You need reboot your system. After that enter in windows prompt command and test.

Jarvis find

If you want work with services and chatbots, i suggest you put a bat file in your %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup . Something like this command.

python C:\Jarvis\jarvis.py controller -base=services

It will open jarvis service controller and you can add services like chatbot and logger and others. By default it will run the services chatbot -base=services and datalogger -base=services. You can edit it.

Jarvis record controller -base=services

Or put in config.ini in section CriticalServices other jarvis services commands like it.

bla1=datalogger -base=services
bla2=scheduler -base=services -t schedule.every(5).seconds.do.jarvis calc and other parameters
bla4=test -base=test

The service in %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup will start in next restart system.

Try after that ask with your bot in your windows prompt command

Jarvis mybot oi!

I use to name my bots. For that I create a bat file like to this one.

@echo off
python C:\Jarvis\Jarvis.py mybot %*

I save this file with BOTNAME.bat in C:\Windows\System32\ . You need reboot your system. After that enter in windows prompt command and test.


To teach him/her something new, use command

BOTNAME [learn] Ola! [answer] oioi!

Have fun!!! =)

config.ini example

config.ini example


bla1=telegram -base=integration


Notes: defaultpassword is a simple and weak password for services. PyScripter=code use Visual Studio Code for edit code. HideDatabase hides your command bases like list,find,route.