In order to deploy our React apps with vercel we need two things:
- a vercel account
- the Vercel CLI to make deployments of our app from the terminal
We can also deploy NodeJS / Express APIs with Vercel (instructions on this are also in this guide)
- Use GitHub for signup
- In case you are not logged in - log into GitHub
After account creation
- Go to tab "Settings" > Email
- this Email (=your GitHub email) will be used for login
- Direct link to settings:
- Go to tab "Settings" > Email
Install vercel:
npm i -g vercel
- If installing a global package gives you an error, try with sudo:
sudo npm i -g vercel
Login (just on first usage)
- In terminal type:
vercel login
- State your email address you got from Vercel settings page
- hit enter and - important - don't close the terminal, keep it open!!
- You will now get an email for verifying your account
- Once you clicked the confirm link in the email and get the verification
- go back to the terminal
- you should get a message for successful connection
- In terminal type:
You only need to do this terminal login once (it will last for a while until you get prompted again)
- Get into a folder with a react app that you want to deploy
- Type
- Follow the instructions (in case of doubt - accept all the defaults please with enter please)
on first deployment you likely will receive an error.... here's why :)
- Vercel - as of now - treats React warnings as errors. and will cancel the build on warnings!
- very likely you WILL have some React warnings in your app, e.g. due to not used variables, etc
- you can see the concrete issue when you run "vercel logs "
- it will tell you that you need to set the environment variable "CI" to false, to allow depeloyment of a React app that has unfixed warnings
the fix: go to the vercel dashboard:
- click the title of your app (should be listed at the first one in the list)
- click the tab "Settings"
- in the left menu: go to section "Environment variables"
- set a "Plaintext" variable
- In the Name field put the value: CI
- In the Value field put the value: false
- Make the variable available in all environments
- Click save
- Now try to redeploy the app, with:
vercel --prod
- Now hopefully the build will run through!
After deployment finished you receive two links
- Open the "Production" link in the browser
- Check if your App was deployed correctly
- The other link "Inspect" is for checking your deployment status & any issues
On all subsequent deployments you do
vercel --prod
- if you just type "vercel" you get a preview deloyment ( to check out if everythings works okay - before you overwrite your real webpage)
Get into the folder of a express app that you want to deploy
Add a file "vercel.json" at the top level of the folder
Put in the following content:
"version": 2,
"builds": [
{ "use": "@vercel/node", "src": "app.js" }
"routes": [
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "app.js"
Replace "app.js" with the name of your app startup file (e.g. "server.js" or "index.js", whatever you use in your app). Be aware "app.js" is stated TWO times in the file, so please replace both occurences. Otherwise it will not work
Deployment process:
Follow the instructions (in case of doubt - accept all the defaults please with enter please)
After deployment finished you receive two links
- Open the "Production" link in the browser
- Check if your App was deployed correctly
- The other link "Inspect" is for checking your deployment status & any issues
On all subsequent deployments you do
vercel --prod
- if you just type "vercel" you get a preview deloyment ( to check out if everythings works okay - before you overwrite your real webpage)
Vercel has currently (Feb 2021) the limitation that you cannot write / upload files to the filesystem.
Also there is no support for websockets.
In case you wanna either deploy apps with file upload or a messaging feature, rather use Heroku as free alternative for deploying your Node app:
However: For normal, simple express backends that do not write files or just forward files to a file provider for storage (e.g. Cloudinary or AWS S3) you can stick with Vercel. It is very easy to setup and the performance of deployed APIs is typically quite good.