
Repository for Java studies.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Estudo Java Repository

Welcome to my Estudo Java repository! In this project, I've been exploring Java and working on various Java-related exercises and projects. This repository serves as a place where I document my progress, store code samples, and share my learning journey.

Table of Contents

Project Description

In this repository, you can find my work related to Java, including code samples, exercises, and projects I've been working on. It's a representation of my journey in learning and applying Java programming.

Project Structure

This repository is organized as follows:

  • CalculadoraIMC.zip: A Calculator.
  • Java_Arrays_Exercicios.zip: Java exercises related to arrays.
  • LICENSE: The project's license file.
  • README.md: You're reading it! This document provides an overview of the repository.
  • calculadoraImc.java: Code related to the BMI Calculator project.
  • testeFilas.java: Code related to a project involving queues.


Here is a brief description of some of the key files in this repository:

  • CalculadoraIMC.zip: This simple project is a BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator. It demonstrates how to calculate and display BMI based on user input.

  • Java_Arrays_Exercicios.zip: This file contains Java exercises that focus on working with arrays. It's a great resource to improve your Java skills.

  • calculadoraImc.java: This Java file appears to be related to the BMI Calculator project. You can explore the code to understand how it works.

  • testeFilas.java: This Java file seems to be related to a project involving queues. You can check it out to learn about queue data structures.


While this repository primarily represents my personal learning journey, I welcome contributions, suggestions, and feedback from the community. If you have any insights, improvements, or suggestions related to the projects and code here, please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.


This project is under an open-source license. You can find the details in the LICENSE file.

Happy coding and learning in the world of Java!