SUPERT: Unsupervised multi-document summarization evaluation & generation

Primary LanguagePython

SUPERT: Unsupervised Multi-Document Summarization Evaluation & Generation

This project includes the source code for the paper SUPERT: Towards New Frontiers in Unsupervised Evaluation Metrics for Multi-Document Summarization, to appear at ACL 2020.

Highlighted Features

  • Unsupervised evaluation metrics: Measure multi-document summaries without using human-written reference summaries
  • Unsupervised multi-document summarizer: Using the unsupervised evaluation metrics as rewards to guide a neural reinforcement learning based summarizer to generate summaries. A genetic algorithm based summarizer is also provided, which uses the unsupervised metrics as its fitness function.

Contact person: Yang Gao, yang.gao@rhul.ac.uk


Don't hesitate to send us an e-mail or report an issue, if something is broken or if you have further questions

Example Use Cases

Evaluate Summaries (evaluate_summary.py)

Given the source documents and some to-be-evaluated summaries, you can produce the unsupervised metrics for the summaries with a few lines of code:

from ref_free_metrics.supert import Supert
from utils.data_reader import CorpusReader

# read docs and summaries
reader = CorpusReader('data/topic_1')
source_docs = reader()
summaries = reader.readSummaries() 

# compute the Supert scores
supert = Supert(source_docs) 
scores = supert(summaries)

In the example above, it extracts the top-15 sentences from each source document to build the pseudo reference summaries, and rate the summaries by measuring their semantic similarity with the pseudo references.

Generate Summaries (generate_summary_rl.py)

You can also use the unsupervised metrics as rewards to train a RL-based summarizer to generate summaries:

# read source documents
reader = CorpusReader()
source_docs = reader('data/topic_1')

# generate summaries using reinforcement learning, with supert as reward function
supert = Supert(source_docs)
rl_summarizer = RLSummarizer(reward_func = supert)
summary = rl_summarizer.summarize(source_docs, summ_max_len=100)

# print out the generated summary

You can also use the unsupervised metrics as the fitness function to guide a genetic algorithm to search for the optimal summary. See the example provided in generate_summary_ga.py.

If human-written reference summaries are available (assume they are at data/topic_1/references), you can also evaluate the quality of the generated summary against the references using ROUGE:

refs = reader.readReferences() 
for ref in refs:
    rouge_scores = evaluate_summary_rouge(summary, ref)

How to Set Up

  • Prerequisite: Python 3.6 or higher versions
  • Install all packages in requirement.txt.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • (Optional, if you want to run ROUGE) Download ROUGE-RELEASE-1.5.5.zip from the link, unzip the file and place extracted folder under the rouge directory
mv ROUGE-RELEASE-1.5.5 rouge/

Reproduce the results in the paper

  • Branch compare_metrics provides the code for reproducing the results in Tables 1 - 4.
  • Branch tac_summarisation provides the code for reproducing the results in Table 5.


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