
A RecyclerView wrapper with a few extra niceties

Primary LanguageKotlin


A RecyclerView wrapper with a few extra niceties:

  • Use DiffUtils by default to calculate the differences between the old list and the new list, this allows the user to work in a React style of programming, when you always send the full list of elements instead of keeping track of the changes in the list.
  • Easily allows to have different types of views.


This library is only uploaded to the GitHub registry:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "GitHubPackages"
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/danieldisu/kollection-view")
        credentials {
            username = github_packages_user
            password = github_packages_token

How to use it

  • Add the KollectionViewto the layout.
  • Call the configure method
  • Call the update method with the list of elements that you want to display
val kollectionView: KollectionView<SampleViewModel, SampleItemView> =

    viewFactory = ::viewFactory,
    viewModelComparisonFunction = ::viewModelComparisonFunction,
    diffInMainThread = UITestUtils.isEspresso()

            id = "id1",
            name = "name 1",
            points = "55"
            id = "id2",
            name = "name 2",
            points = "35"
            id = "id3",
            name = "name 3",
            points = "25"
            id = "id4",
            name = "name 4",
            points = "20"
            id = "id5",
            name = "name 5",
            points = "18"

Key Classes


This interface represents each view of the list, it have to be implemented by a view.

The bind function could be called several times with different items, so it must be deterministic.

class SampleItemView(context: Context) : KollectionItemView<SampleViewModel>, LinearLayout(context) {

    init {
        LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.item_view_sample, this, true)

    override fun bind(viewModel: SampleViewModel) {
        val nameView = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.nameView)
        val scoreView = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.scoreView)

        nameView.text = viewModel.name
        scoreView.text = viewModel.points



This could be any object, this object will represent every item in the list.

It's recommended that they are data classes or else you are implementing the equals method, so the diff function could work correctly.

data class SampleViewModel(
    val id: String,
    val name: String,
    val points: String


This function is passed to the configure method of the KollectionView, it will receive 2 elements and you should return a true if the 2 elements represent the same element.

Is important to note that this function is usually implemented by checking that the id is the same, not the whole item.

    private fun viewModelComparisonFunction(left: SampleViewModel, right: SampleViewModel): Boolean =
        left.id == right.id

Implementing the function like this allows the diff utils to know that the item is the same even if some fields of the item have changed. This will change the adapter calls for the RecyclerView.

(If the item is the same it will dispatch an onChanged vs onRemoved + onInserted)


The ViewFactory is a function that takes an int (the viewtype) and returns a KollectionItemView

The simplest implementation for a list with only one item type would be:

private fun viewFactory(viewType: Int): SampleItemView = SampleItemView(context = this)

More complicated collections could be implemented by returning a different KollectionItemViewfor each view type


The ViewTypeFactory is a function that takes a ViewModel and returns an int that represents a ViewType. This should only be implemented when there is more than one ViewType.